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termux-usb -l is empty/[]when PC connected but Mouse and Camera works SM-Pad and Gigaset from IP Webcam


Abbreviated IP, is an object-oriented (below) assessment tool that exists since the late 80's. Here is however only a part treated, which I designate as CP and only the extensions to use CP without Windows Manager (WM) in Termux and X11 on Android smartphones.

Currently here are sources and scripts/install that I use for X11 Client/Server-check. Besides the Termux environment, sources are also useable in MobaXterm and Debian/Linux. The script bashrc could use to update a virgin Termux APK with needed packages for check.

Control Processes in the IP (based on xinit*):

are called CP. Besides there are Batch Prozesses (BP/Scripts), which are only edited and started as usual. Both types of processes do essentially the same thing. The CP functions with WM remains unchanged and will not be treated here. In addition to the WM waiver, the portrait/landscape (p/l) change of the phone (turn) and visability of windows and Extra Keys is part of the extensions that should also work with WM.

Finger control

that's how it should be:Tap with your finger on the phone/pad screen and in a window (pointer on touchpad) or hold after tap and move horizontally/vertically and release (Gesture). The movement can be left, right, up or down (-x, + x, -y, + y). If the value of the movement exceeds a character width or height, one of four gestures will be started and terminated with Release/Lift.

Unfortunately, the establishment of an XServer in Termux is different than in Linux and several could used in parallel. On the other hand, the finger work also creates new possibilities. The window can be AlfaW like check.c (text including XPM icons) or a graphic (up to 5 windows). It can be smaller or larger (horizontal/x) than the screen or the same size (fullscreen). The lower part of the AlfaW can contain a scroll table whose last column LastC can contain more characters than displayed in the window. The four gestures are interpreted differently, depending on the window and position inside. Generally: -x gestures move windows and +x gestures open pop-up menus. By use of Fingers instead of Mouse is the simulation of MB in preparation.


touch.c should check basics of mutitouch functions standalone. Currently there are seven main (contolled by #define TEST <n> n=0-6 in top line). check.c demonstrator of finger-only control (in preparation see api29) (use xcinit* too). Multi touch or generic event processing is in touch.c (in peraration) and should finally merged in xcinit*.c, witch is used for check.c.


is used to check the CP extensions described in xinitn.c. If the bashrc - script is used, make/run is done with t <d> c <files>. The <files> (icons/graphics as *.xpm and *.c sources) are predefined and with <d>=:1 Xvnc is used as Xserver. I recommend :0 or none for <d> to use Xorg/Xwayland as the Xserver. to use PC-Xserver in WLAN use <d>=1 All other possible Xserver from bashrc are not treated here.

check generates an AlfaW (basic) with 7 icons, 3 fields, one slider and a table with two (one) columns. Except for default (82 characters in width), the number of characters of AlfaW is calculated from the width of screen and font and orientation p/l. The smiley icon cyclically switches between three modes from default to fullscreen to partscreen (in pixel or percent) and back.

The table shows the first <file> and initially consists of two columns, the last LastC has a variable length of 74. This results with current width the first column LC and the scrollbar. In order to test all CP extensions knowledge of a few functions is necessary: Field-1 is the pop menu via LC (line command), field-2 underneath is CL (command line), in field-3 the <file> is added to the table and with the slider the first 3 characters of field-1 can be changed. Field-2 and 3 have more pop menus, so no keybord events are needed. If the number of characters is less than width of AlfaW, the icons are displayed in two (or more) additional lines above the table and LastC can be up to 150 characters (field-1) long. More details to check later.

IP objects

As an object I call the unit of data and functions. The scope of the functions depends on the application and the environment. If the OS is not Linux, this is part of it. For Windows: MobaXterm and for Android: Termux, which is then part of the object, as well as all functions to use/make CP and BP. The functions can be included as packages, plugins or sources (including make).


sources for check X11






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