GOG Galaxy 2.0 Final Fantasy XIV integration
- Download latest release from https://github.com/RZetko/galaxy-integration-ffxiv/releases/latest
- Extract it to
- Restart your GOG Galaxy 2.0 client
- Set your character achievements and friends to public on Lodestone: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/my/setting/account/
- Retrieve your FF XIV character ID from https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/ (or https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/) and go to character profile. You'll find character ID in address bar.
- Setup Final Fantasy XIV integration by clicking on gear in top left corner of GOG Galaxy client, select settings->integrations, scroll down to community integrations and click connect on Final Fantasy XIV integration
Launching and uninstalling game
Detecting if game is running
Syncing friends
Achievements syncing - unsupported by platform (already implemented in code, if platform receives support for it, it should automatically work)
Installing game - unsupported by platform (already implemented in code, if platform receives support for it, it should automatically work)
Playtime tracking - unsupported by XIVAPI
Install Python extensions (shuold not be needed) pip install -r requirements.txt -t ./modules --implementation cp --python-version 37 --only-binary=:all:
- ./html/ - folder with html files that will popup when first connecting integration
- ./modules/ - folder with installed python modules required for proper functionality of integration
- ./ffxiv_api.py - handles logging in and retrieving character details
- ./ffxiv_localgame.py - handles tasks with local game - starting, deleting
- ./ffxiv_tools.py - helper functions
- ./plugin.py - main script responsible for launching integration
- ./version.py - contains current version of integration
- ./manifest.json - contains identification info about integration
- ./requirements.txt - contains python modules required for proper functionality of integration
- v. 1.2.2 Thanks to @FriendsOfGalaxy
- Updated psutil to version 5.7.0
- Updated requests to version 2.24.0
- Updated galaxy.plugin.api to version 0.66
- Updated urllib3 to version 1.25.9
- Fixed exception thrown if user didn't have all dlcs installed
- Fixed incorrect friend ID type after fetching it from XIVAPI
- v. 1.2.1
- Fixed issue with GOG Galaxy integrations
- v. 1.2.0 Thanks to @UmbyUmbreon and @FriendsOfGalaxy
- FF XIV integration can be now found in GOG Galaxy integrations search and will be automatically updated
- Optimizations for checking game status (pull request #7)
- v. 1.1.2 (Thanks to @FriendsOfGalaxy for detailed bug reports)
- Fixed FF XIV not being able to uninstall on some systems (updated registry paths)
- Added periodic check for game status (installed/uninstalled) to show realtime status without need to restart client
- v. 1.1.1
- Updated Game ID
- Better game cover art and game information
- User activity from other platforms (steam) now visible on game page
- v. 1.1.0
- Added implementation for downloading and installing game (currently unsupported by platform)
- Fixed crashes when detecting installation folder
- Fixed missing game in games library when it's not installed
- Updated readme
- v. 1.0.2
- Added more paths for FF XIV installation folder + better detection of it
- v. 1.0.1
- Fixed issues with detecting FF XIV installation folder for some users
- v. 1.0.0
- First working release
- Supports launching game, uninstalling game, detecting game launch and if it's running, synchronizing friends
- Installing game currently not supported - WIP
- Achievements syncing currently not supported - needs more research, may be unable to support because of platform limitations
@gogcom for making GOG Galaxy 2 and giving me access to beta https://github.com/gogcom/galaxy-integrations-python-api
@Mixaill for his GOG Galaxy Guild Wars 2 integration which I used as base for this integration. https://github.com/Mixaill/galaxy-integration-gw2
@viion for A FINAL FANTASY XIV: Online REST API https://xivapi.com/