Author: rkx1209
Tiny kernel aimed to linux like system.
It haven't been stable yet and you should be carefull when running.
(explain more detail below)
$ git clone
$ cd TinyLinux
$ make install
After building, 'Abyon.img' will be deployed in your current directory.
It is the body of Abyon kernel itself.
When you run 'make install', makefile create directory /tmp/Abyon and start building project there.
You should be carefull of name collision to your own file under /tmp directory.
(Example using qemu virtual machine)
$ qemu-system-i386 -m 4000 -fda Abyon.img
You can run this kernel by using virtual machine, like QEMU, Bochs...etc
Please don't run on real machine because it can make trouble.
This kernel only supports i386 system.
Copyright © 2014 rkx1209
Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2.0