Node package with reference artifacts and ETL processes for Certification.
Can either be used from the command line or as a library.
Ensure that Node and Git are installed.
Clone repository into current directory:
// clone repo locally
$ git clone
Cloning into 'reso-certification-utils'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 691, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (192/192), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (127/127), done.
remote: Total 691 (delta 101), reused 97 (delta 65), pack-reused 499
Receiving objects: 100% (691/691), 436.98 KiB | 3.24 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (320/320), done.
// change to source directory
$ cd reso-certification-utils
// install locally
$ npm i
$ npm i . -g
// show help
$ reso-certification-utils --help
Note: If you want to use a different directory besides the current one, please create and change to it before cloning (or pass it as an argument).
To install from GitHub:
npm i RESOStandards/reso-certification-utils
To install from Github via yarn:
add package @reso/reso-certification-utils
"@reso/reso-certification-utils": ""
Then use yarn install --check-files
to install.
Runs one or more Data Dictionary tests using a provided configuration file.
Uses a number of techniques to find potential variations for local items contained in a Data Dictionary metadata report.
Generates a schema from a metadata report and validates payload against a given schema.
CLI tools and Node libs to replicate data from a RESO Web API server using bearer tokens or OAuth2 Client Credentials.
Validates the given ULI data in RESO Common Format from a library or local file.
Utils for restoring results to a RESO Certification API server.
Instructions for using Docker.
To run the tests, clone the repository:
git clone
Then change into the directory and run:
npm i
npm test
Questions? Contact RESO Development.