open in VSCode (using PlatformIO), or use the Arduino IDE.
This is an example program for how to use the RCMv2 software and an Alfredo Systems NoU3 to control a robot that has two motors with encoders on the drivetrain.
install ros2 and micro ros
run ifconfig on the ros system and put the ip address in set_microros_wifi_transports() and the network ssid and password in WiFi.begin() in ROSWifiSettings()
upload the code with #define RCM_COMM_METHOD RCM_COMM_ROS uncommented
in terminal on ros system run: sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:iron udp4 --port 8888
turn on robot, and check that things print in the ros terminal
in new terminal on ros system run: ros2 topic pub /rcm/enabled example_interfaces/Bool 'data: True'
in new terminal on ros system run: ros2 topic echo /rcm/battery
in new terminal on ros system run: ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard
find more information about the Robot Control Module hardware here:
- JMotor library for motor control
- micro-ROS as optional method of communication
- ESP32_easy_wifi_data as optional method of communication