A proximity based smart attendence system.
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Now a days in every office and workplace fingureprint based attendence system and face detection based attendence system is used, the biggest drawback of such systems is employees roam outside the workplace after punching in the fingureprint / face detection system.
Cumulatively such small unusual breaks leads to large loss of working hours of a company.
Proxisense is a complete solution which works on concept of Bluetooth Low energy (BLE) advertising.
ProxiSense hardware is a device responsible for scanning nearby BLE advertisement packects and sending data to the webapp via MQTT. -
Mobile app
Currently we have made mobile app which works on android platform and which creates BLE advertisement which further scanned by ProxiSense hardware. -
Web app
ProxiSense web app is main dashboard where administrator can add update delete the user and can also view employees present in primises in realtime.
Mobile app
BLE advertisement -
Web app
Reactjs , firebase, heroku (for api)
- Time saved - money saved
- Increased productivity of employees
- Reduces error in payroll
- Audio notification when employees enter or leave premises
- Add / update / delete employees
- update employee photo (selection based)
- Responsive design
- Dark mode
Login page
View all employees
//9687870897Dashboard in dark Mode
Dashboard in mobile view