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Delta Distillation for Efficient Video Processing

This repository contains the implementation and experiments for the paper presented in

Amirhossein Habibian1, Haitam Ben Yahia1, Davide Abati1, Efstratios Gavves2, Fatih Porikli1 "Delta Distillation for Efficient Video Processing", ECCV 2022. [arXiv]

1 Qualcomm AI Research (Qualcomm AI Research is an initiative of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.), 2 University of Amsterdam

You can use this code to recreate the main results in the paper.

What is Delta Distillation?

Delta Distillation is a technique to speed-up the processing of videos. Let's say you have a stream of frames and a neural network that processes them one by one. Now let's assume this model is very accurate, but also expensive in terms of computation. How can you approximate the same results while easing the cost?

With Delta Distillation, the first frame (keyframe) is processed as usual, whereas all successive ones get represented as differences with respect to the keyframe (deltas). Due to the high degree of temporal redundancy in video sequence, deltas convey way less information than raw video frames, and can be processed with a smaller model. This is exactly what Delta Distillation does: in every layer (teacher), the delta representation is computed with respect to the keyframe, and it is processed by a sibling layer (student) designed to be much cheaper. This operation regresses the delta in the output of the original layer, whose representation can be approximated by summing the keyframe features, as follows:

! an image

During training, the student layers are trained with knowledge distillation, and the teacher provides them deltas in output representations as targets.

For more details, we redirect the interested reader to the full technical paper.

Getting started

Preparing datasets

We will use a centralized folder to contain the datasets of interest. Please select any path that suits your need, and save it into an environment variable DATASET_PATH. Then, arrange the data as follows.

If you're interested in video object detection, please download ImagenetVID under $DATASET_PATH/imagenet. Also, to perform training, both ImagenetDet and ImagenetVID are required:

$ tree -L 3 $DATASET_PATH/imagenet

└── ILSVRC2015 
    ├── Annotations 
    │   ├── DET 
    │   └── VID 
    |   └── *.json
    ├── Data 
    │   ├── DET 
    │   │   └── VID 
    └── ImageSets 
        ├── DET 
        ├── VID 
        └── *.txt

In the case you want to experiment with semantic segmentation, please download Cityscapes under $DATASET_PATH/cityscapes:

$ tree -L 1 $DATASET_PATH/cityscapes

├── gtFine
├── leftImg8bit
├── leftImg8bit_sequence
├── train.lst
├── val.lst
└── *

Downloading checkpoints

Similar to what we did with data, please prepare a checkpoint folder and store it into an environment variable CHECKPOINT_PATH. Then, checkpoints can be downloaded and extracted as:

wget --no-check-certificate -P $CHECKPOINT_PATH
wget --no-check-certificate -P $CHECKPOINT_PATH

tar zxvf delta-distillation-checkpoints-test.tar.gz
tar zxvf delta-distillation-checkpoints-train.tar.gz

Please make sure that you get the following structure:


├── test
│   ├── ddrnet-23.pth
│   ├── ddrnet-23s.pth
│   ├── ddrnet-39.pth
│   ├── efficientdet_d0.pth
│   ├── faster_rcnn.pth
│   └── hrnet-w18-small.pth
└── train
    ├── ddrnet-23_frame_based.pth
    ├── ddrnet-23_macs.p
    ├── ddrnet-23s_frame_based.pth
    ├── ddrnet-23s_macs.p
    ├── ddrnet-39_frame_based.pth
    ├── ddrnet-39_macs.p
    ├── efficientdet_macs.p
    ├── efficientdet.pth
    ├── faster_rcnn_frame_based.pth
    ├── faster_rcnn_macs.p
    ├── hrnet-w18-small_frame_based.pth
    └── hrnet-w18-small_macs.p

The test folder contains pretrained delta-distilled models, to perform inference with. The train folder contains pretraining of the original network, to start training from, along with layer-wise MAC measurements needed in the optimization.

Environment setup

First, let's define the path where we want the repository to be downloaded:


Now we can clone the repository:

git clone [email protected]:Qualcomm-AI-research/delta-distillation.git $REPO_PATH

Build the docker image:

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --tag deltadist:0.1 .

Run the container, mounting the dataset folder

docker run -v "$DATA_PATH:/deltadist/datasets" -v "$CHECKPOINT_PATH:/deltadist/checkpoints" --gpus all --shm-size 1G --name deltadist -it --rm deltadist:0.1

We are now ready to run the experiments!

Repository structure

This repository is structured in the following folders:

  • config contains configuration files containing paths for datasets and checkpoints, as well as hyperparameters to instantiate the models and to run the training and validation scripts.
  • docker is where resources to build the environment are stored, such as the Dockerfile and the pip requirements.
  • lib is where most code is located. More specifically:
    • lib/datasets implements the dataset classes and anything related to data handling
    • lib/handlers contains atomic functions to evaluate and train the models. These will be called by the entrypoint scripts.
    • lib/models holds code to instantiate the backbone models, as well as the delta distillation core functionalities (in lib/models/delta_distillation)
    • lib/scripts provides entrypoint scripts to perform training and evaluation of models.
    • lib/utils contains some utility functions.

Running the experiments

We tested Delta Distillation on several architectures for semantic segmentation (Cityscapes) and video object detection (Imagenet VID). In this repository, you can find an implementation of Delta Distillation for linear blocks (single convolutions). Here are the results you can expect by running this code:

Task Dataset Model Original Delta Distillation
Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes DDRNet23 slim mIoU 76.1 @ 36.6 GMac mIoU 76.22 @ 17.67 GMac
Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes DDRNet23 mIoU 78.7 @ 143.7 GMac mIoU 78.94 @ 71.39 GMac
Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes DDRNet39 mIoU 79.5 @ 282 GMac mIoU 79.94 @ 139.37 GMac
Semantic Segmentation Cityscapes HRNet-w18-small mIoU 76.1 @ 77.9 GMac mIoU 75.72 @ 43.0 GMac
Video Object Detection ImageNet VID EfficientDet D0 mAP 69.0 @ 2.50 GMac mAP 66.0 @ 0.63 GMac
Video Object Detection ImageNet VID Faster-RCNN (R101) mAP 74.5 @ 149.1 GMac mAP 73.5 @ 28.81 GMac

Please note this code yields slightly different results than the paper, due to minor details in the MAC counting code and due to different training seeds.

Also note that this repository does not support training segmentation models with pseudo annotations (see Sec 4.2 of the paper, paragraph "Dataset and metrics"). Instead, code in this repo trains segmentation model by applying the task loss on the last frame only (for which human labeling is available). Results may vary slightly because of this.


Inference can be run on a single GPU for all models by running the following commands. For the video object detection models, inference can take a few hours.

  • Semantic segmentation: DDRNet23 slim
python lib/scripts/test/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/ddrnet-23s.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/test-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/test/ddrnet-23s.pth
  • Semantic segmentation: DDRNet23
python lib/scripts/test/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/ddrnet-23.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/test-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/test/ddrnet-23.pth 
  • Semantic segmentation: DDRNet39
python lib/scripts/test/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/ddrnet-39.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/test-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/test/ddrnet-39.pth 
  • Semantic segmentation: HRNet-w18-small
python lib/scripts/test/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/hrnet-w18-small.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/test-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/test/hrnet-w18-small.pth 
  • Video object detection: EfficientDet
python lib/scripts/test/detection/ config/models/efficientdet.yml config/data/imagenet-vid.yml config/scripts/test-efficientdet.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml --data.num_frames_test 10 --delta_distillation.factor_ch 16 --delta_distillation.channel_reduction_type min --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/test/efficientdet_d0.pth 
  • Video object detection: Faster-RCNN
python lib/scripts/test/detection/ config/data/ config/models/ config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/ --delta_distillation.factor_ch 16 --delta_distillation.channel_reduction_type min --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/test/faster_rcnn.pth 


All our models have been trained with 4 NVIDIA Tesla-V100 gpus.

  • Semantic segmentation: DDRNet23 slim
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=9992 lib/scripts/train/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/ddrnet-23s.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/train-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/train/ddrnet-23s_frame_based.pth --checkpoint.mac /deltadist/checkpoints/train/ddrnet-23s_macs.p --log.dir=log/train/segmentation/ddrnet23s
  • Semantic segmentation: DDRNet23
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=9992 lib/scripts/train/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/ddrnet-23.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/train-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/train/ddrnet-23_frame_based.pth --checkpoint.mac /deltadist/checkpoints/train/ddrnet-23_macs.p --log.dir=log/train/segmentation/ddrnet23 
  • Semantic segmentation: DDRNet39
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=9992 lib/scripts/train/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/ddrnet-39.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/train-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/train/ddrnet-39_frame_based.pth --checkpoint.mac /deltadist/checkpoints/train/ddrnet-39_macs.p --log.dir=log/train/segmentation/ddrnet39
  • Semantic segmentation: HRNet-w18-small
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=9992 lib/scripts/train/segmentation/ config/data/cityscapes.yml config/models/hrnet-w18-small.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/train-segmentation.yml --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/train/hrnet-w18-small_frame_based.pth --checkpoint.mac /deltadist/checkpoints/train/hrnet-w18-small_macs.p --log.dir=log/train/segmentation/hrnet-w18-small
  • Video object detection: EfficientDet
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=9992 lib/scripts/train/detection/ config/data/imagenet-vid.yml config/models/efficientdet.yml config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/train-efficientdet.yml --delta_distillation.factor_ch 16 --data.exclude_DET_images False --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/train/efficientdet.pth --checkpoint.mac /deltadist/checkpoints/train/efficientdet_macs.p --log.dir log/train/detection/efficientdet --data.batch_size.train=8 --delta_distillation.channel_reduction_type min
  • Video object detection: Faster-RCNN
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --master_port=9991 lib/scripts/train/detection/ config/data/ config/models/ config/models/delta_distillation.yml config/scripts/ --delta_distillation.factor_ch 16 --delta_distillation.channel_reduction_type min --checkpoint.init /deltadist/checkpoints/train/faster_rcnn_frame_based.pth --checkpoint.mac /deltadist/checkpoints/train/faster_rcnn_macs.p


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite

  title={Delta Distillation for Efficient Video Processing},
  author={Habibian, Amirhossein and Ben Yahia, Haitam and Abati, Davide and Gavves, Efstratios and Porikli, Fatih},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Vision},

This repository builds upon the following open source software. We would like to acknowledge the researchers who made these repositories open-source.