This repository contains the implementation for the paper presented in
Byeonggeun Kim*1, Simyung Chang*1, Jinkyu Lee1, Dooyong Sung1, "Broadcasted Residual Learning for Efficient Keyword Spotting", Interspeech 2021. [ArXiv]
*Equal contribution 1 Qualcomm AI Research (Qualcomm AI Research is an initiative of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.)
It contains the keyword spotting standard benchmark, Google speech command datasets v1 and v2.
We propose a broadcasted residual learning method for keyword spotting that achieves high accuracy with small model size and computational load, making it well-suited for use on resource-constrained devices such as mobile phones. The method involves configuring most of the residual functions as 1D temporal convolutions while still allowing 2D convolutions via a broadcasted-residual connection that expands the temporal output to the frequency-temporal dimension. This approach enables the network to effectively represent useful audio features with much less computation than conventional convolutional neural networks. We also introduce a novel network architecture called the Broadcasting-residual network (BC-ResNet) that leverages this broadcasted residual learning approach, and we describe how to scale the model according to the target device's resources. BC-ResNets achieve state-of-the-art results, achieving 98.0% and 98.7% top-1 accuracy on Google speech command datasets v1 and v2, respectively. Our approach consistently outperforms previous approaches while using fewer computations and parameters.
This code requires the following:
- python >= 3.6
- pytorch >= 1.7.1
conda create -n bcresnet python=3.6
conda activate bcresnet
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 -c pytorch
conda install tqdm, requests
Here are some examples of how to use the code:
- To use BCResNet-8 with GPU 0 and GSC dataset v2, and download the dataset, run the following command:
python --tau 8 --gpu 0 --ver 2 --download
- To use BCResNet-1 with GPU 1 and GSC dataset v1, and skip downloading the dataset, run the following command:
python --tau 1 --gpu 1 --ver 1
The downloaded dataset will be saved to the data/ directory by default.
If you find our work useful for your research, please cite the following:
author={Byeonggeun Kim and Simyung Chang and Jinkyu Lee and Dooyong Sung},
title={{Broadcasted Residual Learning for Efficient Keyword Spotting}},
booktitle={Proc. Interspeech 2021},