QULQuestionnaire provides a drop-in solution for presenting an in-app questionnaire to the user.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
##Questionaire items & JSON format
###Single selection (radio)
"key": STRING,
"type": "radio",
"orientation": STRING ("horizontal" | "vertical")
"question": STRING,
"instruction": STRING,
"required": BOOL,
"randomized": BOOL,
"other": BOOL // optional; only available in vertical orientation
"minLabel": STRING, // optional; only available in horizontal orientation
"maxLabel": STRING, // optional; only available in horizontal orientation
"decreaseIncreaseAccessory": BOOL, // optional; only available in horizontal orientation
"options": [
"key": STRING,
"value": STRING,
"default": BOOL // optional
###Overall rating (smiley scale)
"key": STRING,
"type": "smiley",
"question": STRING,
"instruction": STRING,
"required": BOOL
###Multiple selection (checkbox)
"key": STRING,
"type": "checkbox",
"question": STRING,
"instruction": STRING,
"required": BOOL,
"randomized": BOOL,
"maxSelectable": INT, // optional
"options": [
"key": STRING,
"value": STRING,
"selected": BOOL // optional
###Value from range (slider)
"key": STRING,
"type": "slider",
"question": STRING,
"instruction": STRING,
"required": BOOL,
"minValue": FLOAT,
"maxValue": FLOAT,
"minLabel": STRING,
"maxLabel": STRING,
"showSelectedValue": BOOL, // optional
"stepValue": INT // optional
"key": STRING,
"type": "text",
"question": STRING,
"input": STRING ("text" | "number" | "email") , // optional, defaults to text
"instruction": STRING,
"placeholder": STRING,
"required": BOOL
"key": STRING,
"type": "sortable",
"question": STRING,
"instruction": STRING,
"required": BOOL,
"randomized": BOOL,
"options": [
"key": STRING,
"value": STRING
Copy all files from the QULQuestionnare folder to your project.
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "QULQuestionnaire", "~> 0.1"
- iOS7 (will work on iOS6 without RMStepsController)
QULQuestionnaire-iOS is licensed under the terms of the Apache License, version 2.0. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.