Izzi Image Sequence is the easiest way to use image sequence and to control it.
Now powered by :
Pixi JS : https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/
Hammer JS : https://github.com/hammerjs/hammer.js
MagiPack : https://github.com/keitakun/Magipack.js
Version 3.0
Generation of the json files is now handled by MagiPack.
Version 2.1
Add parameter enableTouchMoove
for touchscreen and mouse control over the sequence. This parameter disable autoplay event if set at true.
Set permissions to Python script :
chmod 0755 packImages.py
Run the script by passing the -p argument for the directory :
./packImages.py -p img_folder
element : "#canvas_container",
imgPath : "images.json",
packPath : "images.pack",
width : 500,
height : 500,
numbreImg : 50,
indexActif : 0,
autoplay : true,
reverse : true,
repeat : true,
delayInterval : 25,
delayIntervalReverse : 25,
pauseReverse : 1000
Returns the object with couple of useful functions and methods:
* sequence.play() - run sequence
* sequence.pause() - pause sequence
* sequence.stop() - stop sequence
* sequence.setRepeat(Boolean) - set repeat true/false
* sequence.setReverse(Boolean) - set reverse true/false
* sequence.reverseDirection() - change current direction
* sequence.setDirection(0) - set current direction (0 = forward / 1 = backward)
* sequence.isFinish() - return true if current direction animation is finished
* sequence.setActifIndex() - set a new actif index
* sequence.getParams() - get all params
* sequence.getIndex() - get active index
Izzi Image Sequence support the following list of parameters on initialization:
* @param {String} imgPath - Path to json file
* @param {String} packPath - Path to pack file
* @param {String} element - Canvas element container selector
* @param {Int} numbreRepeat - How many time the sequence will repeat
* @param {Int} width - Width of the canvas element
* @param {Int} height - Height of the canvas element
* @param {Int} delayInterval - Interval between each frame
* @param {Int} delayIntervalReverse - Interval between each frame on reverse
* @param {Int} indexActif - Starting frame
* @param {Bool} repeat - Repeat sequence
* @param {Bool} reverse - Reverse sequence
* @param {Int} pauseReverse - Pause in milliseconde before reverse
* @param {Bool} autoplay - Autoplay after loading complete
* @param {Bool} enableTouchMoove - Enable touchmoove and mousemoove (disable autoplay property)
* @function onComplete - Callback function, when sequence is fully over
* @function onCompleteLoader - Callback function, when sequence is fully load
* @function onCompleteBoucle - Callback function, when sequence loop is over
* @function onUpdate - Callback function, when image change (e = indexImg)