This is the Side Project I created for my daughter. This topic is the bedside rotating pendant device, which can stimulate the baby's vision and train the eyeball dynamic capture ability.
Click the button to switch modes in sequence.
- [No display] Stop rotating
- [Number 1] Sine wave
- [Number 2] Sawtooth
- [Number 3] Triangle wave
- [Number 4] Curvy triangle wave
- [Number 5] Square wave
- [Number 6] Trapezoidal wave
- [Number 7] Tempo wave
- [Number 8] Two-way square wave
- [English R] Random wave
Sketch uses 7148 bytes (49%) of program storage space. Maximum is 14336 bytes. Global variables use 433 bytes (42%) of dynamic memory, leaving 607 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 1024 bytes.
- Arduino Diecimila control panel
- Seven segment display
- 220Ω Resistance (red-red-brown)
- Push button
- 1KΩ Resistance (brown-black-orange)
- SG90 360 degree Servo Motor
Through the draft design and simple cutting and digging, and fixing the board and the parts to the main body.
- Plastic box
- Screw
- Wood board
- Wire
- Connector
這是為了我女兒而建立的 Side Project ,這次的主題是床邊旋轉吊飾裝置,可以刺激寶寶的視覺,訓練眼球的動態捕捉能力。
- [無顯示] 停止旋轉
- [數字1] 正弦波
- [數字2] 鋸齒波
- [數字3] 三角波
- [數字4] 彎曲的三角波
- [數字5] 方波
- [數字6] 梯形波
- [數字7] 節奏波
- [數字8] 低速方波
- [英文R] 隨機波形
- 草稿碼使用了 7148 bytes (49%) 的程式儲存空間。上限為 14336 bytes。
- 全域變數使用了 433 bytes (42%) 的動態記憶體,剩餘 591 bytes 給區域變數。上限為 1024 bytes 。
- Arduino Diecimila 控制板
- 七段顯示器
- 220Ω 電阻 (紅紅棕)
- 按鈕開關
- 1KΩ 電阻 (棕黑橙)
- SG90 360度 伺服馬達
- 塑膠盒
- 螺絲
- 木板
- 電線
- 連接器
七段顯示器應該每個腳位都加上一顆 220Ω 電阻,但因為我現有的材料不足所以只放了一顆共用,所幸全亮時還足夠驅動所以影響不大。