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@thescientist13 thescientist13 released this 21 Jan 02:04
· 2 commits to master since this release


This release refactors some WCC's DOM shim internals as well as address issues with setting element properties and honoring the mode option for attachShadow. There was also a breaking change to remove the deprecated getInnerHTML call with getHTML on the Node class in the DOM shim.


  1. Replace deprecated method getInnerHTML with getHTML (thank you @DannyMoerkerke πŸ™Œ )
  2. refactor DOM shim internals (thank you very much @briangrider πŸ™Œ )
  3. Issue Setting Element Properties (thank you @briangrider πŸ™Œ )
  4. support configurable shadowrootmode attribute for <template> tags (thank you @briangrider πŸ™Œ )
  5. verify / ensure proper serialization of shadow roots excluding closed shadow roots from getInnerHTML getHTML (thank you @briangrider πŸ™Œ )
  6. Upgrade parse5 to v7

Breaking Changes

DOM Shim

On the Node class, the getInnerHTML method has been deprecated and replaced with getHTML to align with the spec

// before
import 'wc-compiler/src/dom-shim.js';
import Greeting from './components/greeting.js';

const greeting = new Greeting();
const html = greeting.getInnerHTML({ includeShadowRoots: true });
// after
import 'wc-compiler/src/dom-shim.js';
import Greeting from './components/greeting.js';

const greeting = new Greeting();
const html = greeting.getHTML({ serializableShadowRoots: true });

Shadow Root Templates

Setting innerHTML on a Shadow Root will now automatically insert a <template> tag when using renderToString / renderFromHTML, e.g.

class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {

  connectedCallback() {
    if (!this.shadowRoot) {
      this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
      this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = `
          :root {
            --accent: #367588;

          <h1>My Website</h1>

export default Home;

Known Issues

N / A

