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joanftroyano edited this page Jan 28, 2014 · 9 revisions

What is the PressForward Plugin?

The PressForward Plugin is a tool for aggregating and curating content from the web from within the WordPress dashboard. It is designed by the [Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media] ( to support bloggers and editorial teams who wish to aggregate and share content from a variety of sources.

The plugin provides an RSS reader within the WordPress dashboard, a tool for collaborative editorial work, and a process for republishing aggregated content.

The RSS reader includes:

  • Batch import of feeds from OPML, including Google OPML.
  • Readability integration to clean and standardize the formatting of imported content.
  • Individual starring, allowing individual users to flag items of interest prior to nominating them for publication.
  • Ability to incorporate content not accessible by RSS through the “Nominate This” bookmarklet.
  • Storage of the aggregated content outside of the WordPress database until it is “nominated” for publication. This enables users to survey content without overwhelming their WordPress installation.

Tools for collaboration include:

  • Ability to set levels of access by user privileges.
  • Ability to comment on all items.

Publication features include:

  • Interface for editors to review and discuss nominations from all users.
  • Sends full content and metadata of nominated posts to regular WordPress dashboard for publishing.
  • Ability to auto-redirect published posts to original source.

Screenshots and sample instructions for editorial groups are available in the Editors’ Corner on Digital Humanities Now, the largest publication using the PressForward plugin.

What’s in the works for the PressForward plugin?

Even with so many great features out of the box, we are not done!

We are working hard on additional features to extend the functionality of the PressForward RSS reader and to make the organizing and filtering of content even easier. These features are currently under development and will be released in subsequent versions of the plugin.

  • Tools for filtering and sorting items:
    • Filter by source.
    • Filter by length of item.
    • Filter by number of comments.
    • Sort feeds into folders for targeted reading.
  • Search across all feeds within the PressForward plugin.
  • An automated recommendation system that predicts which items in the feed you are most likely to publish.

In addition, we are working on an editor management plugin to make it even easier to coordinate multiple editors.

Post questions and feedback to our Google Group:!forum/pressforward-dev

Want to chat? Join our live chat in #PressForward on Freenode.