Implementation of the maximum network flow problem in CUDA. Uses the parallel push-relabel algorithm, as illustrated in this paper .
The program depicts the values of height, excess flow and the residual flow for each node at each iteration, along with the maximum flow obtained. It also runs a serial version of the push relabel algorithm and verifies the output.
To build the project, run :
To run the algorithm :
./maxflow <number of vertices> <number of edges> <source vertex> <sink vertex>
In file "edgelist.txt", edge input to be given in the form :
<end of edge 0> <end of edge 0> <capacity of edge 0>
<end of edge 1> <end of edge 1> <capacity of edge 1>
<end of edge 2> <end of edge 2> <capacity of edge 2>
To clean, run :
make clean
- Makefile
- include -
- serial_graph.h - for the serial implementation
- parallel_graph.cuh - for the parallel implementation
3.src -
- graph_s.cpp - contains functions used by the serial check
- - contains the input function and the print function used after each iteration
- - contains the preflow/Init routine
- - contains the host push relabel routine
- - contains the kernel invoked as part of the push_relabel routine
- - contains the heuristic host global relabel routine
- Efficient CUDA Algorithms for the Maximum Network Flow Problem
- Parallel implementation of flow and matching algorithms - Agnieszka Łupińska, Jagiellonian University, Kraków