This is automation project skeleton to start with using Gradle. Please refer documentaion for more help.
This is sample project with Gradle directory structure:
The 'config' directory contains testng.xml file, and is a place holder for configuration files.
The 'resources' directory contains all required resources including properties files and data files, and is a place holder for other resources.
The 'src' directory contains all java files and is a place holder for other java files.
The 'test-results' directory contains result files.
The 'scenarios' directory is the default place holder for all the scenario files.
To change/modify dependencies check build.gradle
To run the project, from command prompt go to project home and run gradle clean test
Open dashboard.htm to view results.
Note: This sample project uses chrome driver and it requires chrome driver binary. You need to download and set property in file with driver binary path.
Please refer
Thanks, QAS Team.