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Transfer Manager

Charles Plant St.Louis edited this page Jan 8, 2019 · 1 revision


This CLI feature allows you to run the transfer_manager module which allows you to manage if you want to disable or set a new controller or even force a transfer.

How it works

  1. Verify transfers
  2. Make Transfer
  3. Allow Forced transfers
  4. Configure existing modules
  5. Add new Transfer Manager module

How to Use this CLI Feature (Instructions)

To run this feature, please run:

$ node CLI/polymath-cli tm  or  $ node CLI/polymath-cli transfer_manager

Example Scenario:

Welcome to the Command-Line Transfer Manager.
Issuer Account: 0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e

[1] CP - Deployed at 0x37454c3FCa8547D17b79F12aF485b0F920082b7A
[2] Enter token symbol manually
[0] Exit

Select a token [1, 2, 0]: 1

 Transfer Manager - Main Menu 

Transfer Manager modules attached:
- GeneralTransferManager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4
- PercentageTransferManager at 0x71936d7a699790Db8C708A0E4739A44eB686C55F

[1] Verify transfer
[2] Transfer
[3] Forced transfers
[4] Config existing modules
[5] Add new Transfer Manager module
[0] Exit

**Verifying Transfers between addresses **

What do you want to do? [1...5 / 0]: 1
Selected: Verify transfer 

Total investors at the moment: 1
Enter the sender account (0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e): 
Balance of 0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e: 100 CP - 100% of total supply
Enter the receiver account: 0x2f795dd330a3f4b3f0ac531543d362a411248749
Balance of 0x2f795dd330a3f4b3f0ac531543d362a411248749: 0 CP - 0% of total supply
Enter amount of tokens to verify: 20

20 CP can be transferred from 0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e to 0x2f795dd330a3f4b3f0ac531543d362a411248749!

 Transfer Manager - Main Menu 

Transfer Manager modules attached:
- GeneralTransferManager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4
- PercentageTransferManager at 0x71936d7a699790Db8C708A0E4739A44eB686C55F

Note: Addresses must be on the whitelist and have no transfer restrictions prior to verifying transfers


What do you want to do? [1...5 / 0]: 2
Selected: Transfer 

Total investors at the moment: 1
Balance of 0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e: 100 CP - 100% of total supply
Enter beneficiary of tranfer: 0x2f795dd330a3f4b3f0ac531543d362a411248749
Balance of 0x2f795dd330a3f4b3f0ac531543d362a411248749: 0 CP - 0% of total supply
Enter amount of tokens to transfer: 10
---- Transaction executed: transfer - Gas limit provided: 175632 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xa783e6315cbf54a5ec3d00cafeaf1977320a6828752116d7d967aab283592c42

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 146360 - Gas spent: 0.007318 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xa783e6315cbf54a5ec3d00cafeaf1977320a6828752116d7d967aab283592c42

0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e transferred 10 CP to 0x2F795dd330A3f4B3f0ac531543d362a411248749 successfully!
Total investors at the moment: 2
Balance of 0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e: 90 CP - 90% of total supply
Balance of 0x2f795dd330a3f4b3f0ac531543d362a411248749: 10 CP - 10% of total supply

 Transfer Manager - Main Menu 

Transfer Manager modules attached:
- GeneralTransferManager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4
- PercentageTransferManager at 0x71936d7a699790Db8C708A0E4739A44eB686C55F

Forced Transfers

For forced transfers you simple enter the address you would like to set as a controller or disable as a controller

Selected: Forced transfers 

[1] Disable controller
[2] Set controller
[0] Return

Configuration of existing modules

The process is the same for whatever module you select. With that being said, we are going to select GeneralTransferManager for this example.

Selected: Config existing modules 

[1] GeneralTransferManager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4
[2] PercentageTransferManager at 0x71936d7a699790Db8C708A0E4739A44eB686C55F
[0] Return

Which module do you want to config? [1, 2, 0]: 1
Selected: GeneralTransferManager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4 

General Transfer Manager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4 

- Issuance address:                0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- Signing address:                 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- Allow all transfers:             NO
- Allow all whitelist transfers:   NO
- Allow all whitelist issuances:   YES
- Allow all burn transfers:        NO
- Default times:
   - From time:                    0 (December 31st 1969, 19:00:00)
   - To time:                      0 (December 31st 1969, 19:00:00)
- Investors:                       4

[1] Show investors
[2] Show whitelist data
[3] Modify whitelist
[4] Modify whitelist from CSV
[5] Change the default times used when they are zero
[6] Change issuance address
[7] Change signing address
[8] Allow all transfers
[9] Allow all whitelist transfers
[a] Disallow all whitelist issuances
[b] Allow all burn transfers
[0] Return

What do you want to do? [1...9, a, b, 0]: 1
Selected: Show investors 

***** List of investors on whitelist *****

What do you want to do? [1...9, a, b, 0]: 2
Selected: Show whitelist data 

Enter the addresses of the investors you want to show (i.e: addr1,addr2,addr3) or leave empty to show them all: 0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e
║ Investor                                   │ From time        │ To time          │ KYC expiry date  │ Restricted ║
║ 0xddF2Da2bc5a45D21e7B136F08EeADD08FcF5a27e │ 01/08/2019 12:38 │ 01/08/2019 12:38 │ 01/12/2019 12:38 │ NO         ║
What do you want to do? [1...9, a, b, 0]: 3
Selected: Modify whitelist 

Selected: Modify whitelist 

Enter the address to whitelist: 0x6f877e57ecb50a6b092a989237f3ef5f3ac6949e
Enter the time(Unix Epoch time) when the sale lockup period ends and the investor can freely sell his tokens(now = 1546983389): 1546983398
Enter the time(Unix Epoch time) when the purchase lockup period ends and the investor can freely purchase tokens from others(now = 1546983389): 1546983398
Enter the time till investors KYC will be validated(after that investor need to do re - KYC) (1 hour from now = 1546987002): 1547328997
Is the investor a restricted investor? [y/n]: n
---- Transaction executed: modifyWhitelist - Gas limit provided: 121776 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xb8f4f26fb96afb53f7993cb89df5105bacef637847ed92b20458e034c9beed2f

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 101480 - Gas spent: 0.005074 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xb8f4f26fb96afb53f7993cb89df5105bacef637847ed92b20458e034c9beed2f

0x6f877e57EcB50A6b092A989237f3Ef5f3Ac6949E has been whitelisted sucessfully!

Selected: Modify whitelist from CSV 

Enter the path for csv data file (/Users/charlesst.louis/Desktop/polymath-core/CLI/commands/../data/Transfer/GTM/whitelist_data.csv): *Enter updated csv file here*
Enter the max number of records per transaction or batch size (75): *Enter max # of records/tx or batch size*
Batch 1 - Attempting to modify whitelist to accounts: 

 [ '0xEe7Ae74D964F2bE7d72C1B187B38e2eD3615d4d1',
  '0xBB276B6f68f0A41D54B7E0A608FE8eB1eBDeE7B0' ] 

---- Transaction executed: modifyWhitelistMulti - Gas limit provided: 927058 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0x9ff240d7c9c6e18753d9d9c95e6788e462f35bb91498609abef186286542704c

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 772548 - Gas spent: 0.0386274 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0x9ff240d7c9c6e18753d9d9c95e6788e462f35bb91498609abef186286542704c

Modify whitelist transaction was successful.
772548 gas used.Spent: 0.0386274 ETH

What do you want to do? [1...9, a, b, 0]: 5
Selected: Change the default times used when they are zero 

Enter the default time (Unix Epoch time) used when fromTime is zero: 1547328997

---- Transaction executed: changeDefaults - Gas limit provided: 60128 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0x9229e2a8405639c2237aa034d06b8799a90f55771fb0fc13dea06f3baa8f6179

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 50107 - Gas spent: 0.00250535 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0x9229e2a8405639c2237aa034d06b8799a90f55771fb0fc13dea06f3baa8f6179

Default times have been updated successfully!
Selected: Change issuance address 

Enter the new issuance address: 0x0cff167c0b67ec12064bb7326e4f6da793c77b3b
---- Transaction executed: changeIssuanceAddress - Gas limit provided: 60544 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xeec8b7b173b36e886212a7639c753beb8d5166dd1d1c240174d0e1c7a6be54bf

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 50453 - Gas spent: 0.00252265 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xeec8b7b173b36e886212a7639c753beb8d5166dd1d1c240174d0e1c7a6be54bf

0x0cff167C0b67ec12064BB7326E4f6Da793C77b3b is the new address for the issuance!

Selected: Change signing address 

Enter the new signing address: 0x0cff167c0b67ec12064bb7326e4f6da793c77b3b
---- Transaction executed: changeSigningAddress - Gas limit provided: 42016 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xc845a5e7e4411cf055271f3e25ef59bce34f71be2a2b018423a7c33ead454064

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 35013 - Gas spent: 0.00175065 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xc845a5e7e4411cf055271f3e25ef59bce34f71be2a2b018423a7c33ead454064

0x0cff167C0b67ec12064BB7326E4f6Da793C77b3b is the new address for the signing!----

Selected: Allow all transfers (no input required, automtically runs script) 

---- Transaction executed: changeAllowAllTransfers - Gas limit provided: 40312 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0x925f5d8f3a196df2999650d2db28d5fecca48fed6fc54edacef4b475983643bd

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 33593 - Gas spent: 0.00167965 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0x925f5d8f3a196df2999650d2db28d5fecca48fed6fc54edacef4b475983643bd

All transfers are allowed!

*When going back to the menu it now shows the "Disallow all transfers" instead of "Allow all transfers":*

1] Show investors
[2] Show whitelist data
[3] Modify whitelist
[4] Modify whitelist from CSV
[5] Change the default times used when they are zero
[6] Change issuance address
[7] Change signing address
[8] Disallow all transfers
[9] Allow all whitelist transfers
[a] Disallow all whitelist issuances
[b] Allow all burn transfers
[0] Return

Selected: Allow all whitelist transfers 

---- Transaction executed: changeAllowAllWhitelistTransfers - Gas limit provided: 40570 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0x4a9ef2755290afe51a070a5c5d934fa76368217188ffe4d956abb0582d7d32a5

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 33808 - Gas spent: 0.0016904 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0x4a9ef2755290afe51a070a5c5d934fa76368217188ffe4d956abb0582d7d32a5

Time locks from whitelist are ignored for transfers!

*When going back to the menu it now shows the "Disallow all whitelist transfers" instead of "Allow whitelist transfers":*

General Transfer Manager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4 

- Issuance address:                0x0cff167C0b67ec12064BB7326E4f6Da793C77b3b
- Signing address:                 0x0cff167C0b67ec12064BB7326E4f6Da793C77b3b
- Allow all transfers:             YES
- Allow all whitelist transfers:   YES
- Allow all whitelist issuances:   YES
- Allow all burn transfers:        NO
- Default times:
   - From time:                    1547328997 (January 12th 2019, 16:36:37)
   - To time:                      1547328997 (January 12th 2019, 16:36:37)
- Investors:                       15

[1] Show investors
[2] Show whitelist data
[3] Modify whitelist
[4] Modify whitelist from CSV
[5] Change the default times used when they are zero
[6] Change issuance address
[7] Change signing address
[8] Disallow all transfers
[9] Disallow all whitelist transfers
[a] Disallow all whitelist issuances
[b] Allow all burn transfers
[0] Return

Selected: Disallow all whitelist issuances 

---- Transaction executed: changeAllowAllWhitelistIssuances - Gas limit provided: 40440 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xd1344491bbd0008e9b3f7f19ba56eb928e763e9906349e31068d760df1153c7c

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 33700 - Gas spent: 0.001685 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xd1344491bbd0008e9b3f7f19ba56eb928e763e9906349e31068d760df1153c7c

Issuances are restricted by time locks from whitelist!

Selected: Allow all burn transfers 

---- Transaction executed: changeAllowAllBurnTransfers - Gas limit provided: 40992 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0x4d1908a2ff9911a0b834ab3c014569b0fcc37d7b631aae6ac78720be678fcd44

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 34160 - Gas spent: 0.001708 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0x4d1908a2ff9911a0b834ab3c014569b0fcc37d7b631aae6ac78720be678fcd44

The burning mechanism is deactivated!

Adding new Transfer Manager modules

Selected: Add new Transfer Manager module 

[1] PercentageTransferManager
[2] CountTransferManager
[3] GeneralTransferManager
[4] ManualApprovalTransferManager
[0] Return

Percentage Transfer Manager

Which Transfer Manager module do you want to add? [1...4 / 0]: 1
Are you sure you want to add PercentageTransferManager module? [y/n]: y
Enter the maximum amount of tokens in percentage that an investor can hold: 5
Do you want to ignore transactions which are part of the primary issuance? [y/n]: n

---- Transaction executed: addModule - Gas limit provided: 2268599 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0x38e9cb87902602eb0cf1c519e39c62929e75cd1f883a3ec50d090033354c5b10

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 1875499 - Gas spent: 0.09377495 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0x38e9cb87902602eb0cf1c519e39c62929e75cd1f883a3ec50d090033354c5b10

Module deployed at address: 0x7f930c9dd304c90D331d055Bb70A2ED6363c980E

Count Transfer Manager

Which Transfer Manager module do you want to add? [1...4 / 0]: 2
Are you sure you want to add CountTransferManager module? [y/n]: y
Enter the maximum no. of holders the SecurityToken is allowed to have: 1000

---- Transaction executed: addModule - Gas limit provided: 1746196 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xc6ca7e7566ae4c869b627af4f0c566008e86f52c7ebda005bb137485c192d80d

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 1455163 - Gas spent: 0.07275815 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xc6ca7e7566ae4c869b627af4f0c566008e86f52c7ebda005bb137485c192d80d

Module deployed at address: 0x1b0bCe80cab378EFd2472398a24d8Aa8CaA965cF

General Transfer Manager

Which Transfer Manager module do you want to add? [1...4 / 0]: 3
Are you sure you want to add GeneralTransferManager module? [y/n]: y

---- Transaction executed: addModule - Gas limit provided: 1323953 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xb02830107df701d438f7ffb2df636c8f669b3b115788369beffda70bee74fa6f

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 1103294 - Gas spent: 0.0551647 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xb02830107df701d438f7ffb2df636c8f669b3b115788369beffda70bee74fa6f

Module deployed at address: 0x503298dc6b5971bA6c77ddBB29E005e78b2347Ac
Which Transfer Manager module do you want to add? [1...4 / 0]: 4
Are you sure you want to add ManualApprovalTransferManager module? [y/n]: y
---- Transaction executed: addModule - Gas limit provided: 3725315 ----

  Your transaction is being processed. Please wait...
  TxHash: 0xa96b64be89ad93f924b687308a8a8adeb794189b0bb21d8fdb92dc071f791717

  Congratulations! The transaction was successfully completed.
  Gas used: 3104429 - Gas spent: 0.15522145 Ether
  Review it on Etherscan.
  TxHash: 0xa96b64be89ad93f924b687308a8a8adeb794189b0bb21d8fdb92dc071f791717

Module deployed at address: 0xfDC74D7bCB6D72dC855ddd4989eB46f1C7ccF0d3

 Transfer Manager - Main Menu 


Transfer Manager modules attached:
- GeneralTransferManager at 0xb0E3F9D978A0E52639f3691821138Bd5E1FAb6A4
- PercentageTransferManager at 0x71936d7a699790Db8C708A0E4739A44eB686C55F
- PercentageTransferManager at 0x7f930c9dd304c90D331d055Bb70A2ED6363c980E
- CountTransferManager at 0x1b0bCe80cab378EFd2472398a24d8Aa8CaA965cF
- GeneralTransferManager at 0x503298dc6b5971bA6c77ddBB29E005e78b2347Ac
- ManualApprovalTransferManager at 0xfDC74D7bCB6D72dC855ddd4989eB46f1C7ccF0d3

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