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Test framework and test runner for the PML programming language


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PML Unit

PML Unit is a test framework for the PML programming language and a test runner for PML code in AVEVA Everything3D, PDMS, Hull & Outfitting, and other products.



Download and unpack PML Unit to a directory of your choice. For example, if you unpacked the ZIP file to D:\pml-unit, you should have the following directory tree:

|-- e3d-1.1
|   |-- bin
|   |   `-- PmlUnit.dll
|   `-- caf
|       |-- AdminAddins.xml
|       |-- AdminCustomization.xml
|       |-- DesignAddins.xml
|       |-- DesignCustomization.xml
|       `-- ...
|-- e3d-2.1
|   |-- bin
|   |   `-- PmlUnit.dll
|   `-- caf
|       |-- AdminAddins.xml
|       |-- AdminCustomization.xml
|       |-- DesignAddins.xml
|       |-- DesignCustomization.xml
|       `-- ...
|-- oh-12.1
|   |-- bin
|   |   `-- PmlUnit.dll
|   `-- caf
|       |-- AdminAddins.xml
|       |-- AdminCustomization.xml
|       |-- DesignAddins.xml
|       |-- DesignCustomization.xml
|       `-- ...
|-- pdms-12.1
|   |-- bin
|   |   `-- PmlUnit.dll
|   `-- caf
|       |-- AdminAddins.xml
|       |-- AdminCustomization.xml
|       |-- DesignAddins.xml
|       |-- DesignCustomization.xml
|       `-- ...
|-- pmllib
|   |-- pml-unit
|   |   |-- pmlassert.pmlobj
|   |   `-- pmltestrunner.pmlobj
|   `-- pml.index
`-- pmllib-tests
    |-- pml-unit-tests
    |   `-- ...
    `-- pml.index

Then you need to set the CAF_ADDINS_PATH, CAF_UIC_PATH, and PMLLIB environment variables in your start scripts as follows:

OH 12.1 D:\pml-unit\oh-12.1\caf D:\pml-unit\oh-12.1\caf D:\pml-unit\pmllib
PDMS 12.1 D:\pml-unit\pdms-12.1\caf D:\pml-unit\pdms-12.1\caf D:\pml-unit\pmllib
E3D 1.1 D:\pml-unit\e3d-1.1\caf D:\pml-unit\e3d-1.1\caf D:\pml-unit\pmllib
E3D 2.1 D:\pml-unit\e3d-2.1\caf D:\pml-unit\e3d-2.1\caf D:\pml-unit\pmllib

For example, for Everything3D 2.1 you could set the environment variables in your custom_evars.bat in your projects directory:

set CAF_ADDINS_PATH=D:\pml-unit\e3d-2.1\caf
set CAF_UIC_PATH=D:\pml-unit\e3d-2.1\caf
set PMLLIB=%PMLLIB%;D:\pml-unit\pmllib

Note for PDMS and Hull & Outfitting 12.1

Note that for PDMS and Hull & Outfitting (OH) 12.1 you will have to edit the *Addins.xml and *Customization.xml files in D:\pml-unit\pdms-12.1\caf and D:\pml-unit\oh-12.1\caf so that they contain absolute paths to the PmlUnit.dll and PmlUnit.uic, respectively. Unfortunately, PDMS and OH 12.1 do not load addins and UIC files with path names relative to the CAF_ADDINS_PATH and CAF_UIC_PATH environment variables.

For example, if you want PML Unit to show up in the PDMS Design module, you should edit the D:\pml-unit\pdms-12.1\caf\DesignAddins.xml file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfString xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

You should also edit the D:\pml-unit\pdms-12.1\caf\DesignCustomization.xml file like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<UICustomizationSet xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <CustomizationFile Name="Module" Path="design.uic" />
        <CustomizationFile Name="StatusControllerAddin" Path="StatusController.uic" />
        <CustomizationFile Name="SchematicExplorerAddin" Path="CoreSchematicMenu.uic" />
        <CustomizationFile Name="Project" Path="$1.uic" />
        <CustomizationFile Name="SVGCompare" Path="SVGCompare.uic" />
        <CustomizationFile Name="PmlUnit" Path="D:\pml-unit\pdms-12.1\caf\PmlUnit.uic" />

Writing Tests

To write tests you have to create PML object files (.pmlobj) and reference them in your pml.index file like any other PML file.

Test cases are objects whose name ends with Test and contain one ore more test methods. A test method accepts a single PmlAssert parameter and has a name beginning with .test. In addition, test cases may also have initialization and clean up methods: .setup() and .tearDown(). See Running Tests for an explanation of the test execution order.

Anatomy of a Test Case

define object ExampleTest

-- Optional method that runs once before each test in this test case.
define method .setup()

-- Optional method that runs once after each test in this test case
-- regardless of the test outcome.
define method .tearDown()

define method .testSomething(!assert is PmlAssert)
    !assert.equal(1 + 1, 2)

define method .testSomethingThatFails(!assert is PmlAssert)
    !'This test always fails.')


The PmlAssert object has a number of methods that allow you to make assertions in your tests.

.equal(!left is Any, !right is Any)

Passes if !left eq !right returns true, fails otherwise.

.notEqual(!left is Any, !right is Any)

Passes if !left ne !right returns true, fails otherwise.

.lessThan(!left is Any, !right is Any)

Passes if !left lt !right returns true, fails otherwise.

.lessThanOrEqual(!left is Any, !right is Any)

Passes if !left le !right returns true, fails otherwise.

.greaterThanOrEqual(!left is Any, !right is Any)

Passes if !left ge !right returns true, fails otherwise.

.greaterThan(!left is Any, !right is Any)

Passes if !left gt !right returns true, fails otherwise.

.isSet(!value is Any)

Passes if !value.set() returns true, fails otherwise.

.isUnset(!value is Any)

Passes if value.unset() returns true, fails otherwise.

.isTrue(!value is Boolean)

Passes if !value is true, fails otherwise. Note that object Boolean() is neither true nor false.

.isFalse(!value is Boolean)

Passes if !value is false, fails otherwise. Note that object Boolean() is neither true nor false.

.instanceOf(!object is Any, !objectType is String)

Passes if !object.objectType() is equal to !objectType, fails otherwise. Note that the .objectType() method usually returns uppercaes object names, i.e. even if you define your object as define object ExampleTest it would still return EXAMPLETEST.


Fails unconditionally.

All of the above assertions have an additional override that allows you to pass your own error message as the last parameter to them, for example !assert.equal(1, 2, 'This should never work').

Running Tests

PML Unit scans the pml.index files for test cases (*Test.pmlobj) and looks for test methods (.test*(PmlAssert)) in those files. When you run tests, PML Unit calls the following methods on your test cases for every test method:

  1. The default (parameterless) object constructor.
  2. The .setup() method if the test case contains one.
  3. The actual test method.
  4. The .tearDown() method if the test case contains one.

If you were to run all test methods in the ExampleTest test case from the Anatomy of a Test Case example, PML Unit would roughly do the following:

!testCase = object ExampleTest()
!testCase.testSomething(object PmlAssert())

!testCase = object ExampleTest()
!testCase.testSomethingThatFails(object PmlAssert())
handle ANY

However, you should note that PML Unit does not guarantee a particular order for individual tests, i.e. it may decide to execute testSomethingThatFails before testSomething. But your tests shouldn't depend on execution order anyway ;-).

Opening Files

When you double click on a test or click on a link in the test details view, PML Unit tries to open the test file with your configured editor. When you do that for the first time, PML Unit asks you which editor it should use. It has built-in support for the following editors:

PML Unit searches for these editors in their default install locations but you may also specify another location if you have installed your favorite editor to a custom path.

You may also choose a completely different editor by selecting Other in the code editor dialog. In that case you have to specify the path to your editor executable and the full command line arguments. PML Unit will replace the !fileName and !lineNumber variables in the command line arguments with the name of the file and the line number you want to open. For example --open !fileName --at !lineNumber will be turned into something like --open "C:\Users\Alice\Documents and Settings\pmllib\exampletest.pmlobj" --at 123.

With the five already supported editors you may specify some additional command line arguments (but you don't have to specify the !fileName and !lineNumber variables with these). Look at the command line reference of your favorite editor to see if there is anything you need.

PML Unit stores these settings in the Windows registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PML Unit.


Download the source code to a directory of your choice. The examples in the following sections assume that the root directory of the source code is at D:\pml-unit.

The solution and project files define one platform configuration for each of PML Unit's supported platforms: PDMS 12.1, E3D 1.1, and E3D 2.1. You can build PML Unit for only one platform or for all platforms at once.

Note that PML Unit uses the PDMS 12.1 platform for Hull & Outfitting (OH) 12.1 as well.


Copy the Aveva.ApplicationFramework.dll, Aveva.ApplicationFramework.Presentation.dll, and PMLNet.dll from your PDMS or Everything3D installation directory into the corresponding lib directory in your PML Unit source root. For example, if you unpacked the PML Unit sources to D:\pml-unit and installed Everything3D and/or PDMS to their default locations, you should copy the DLLs as follows:

Platform Default Source Destination
OH 12.1 C:\AVEVA\Marine\OH12.1.SP4 D:\pml-unit\lib\PDMS 12.1
PDMS 12.1 C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.1.SP4 D:\pml-unit\lib\PDMS 12.1
E3D 1.1 C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\Plant\E3D1.1.0 D:\pml-unit\lib\E3D 1.1
E3D 2.1 C:\Program Files (x86)\AVEVA\Everything3D2.10 D:\pml-unit\lib\E3D 2.1

The test project additionally depends on the Nunit and Moq nuget packages. You can install them using

nuget restore


Once you have installed the dependencies, you can select your target platform and build configuration in Visual Studio and build the solution or just the PmlUnit project.

You may also build the solution or the PmlUnit project using MSBuild from a Visual Studio command prompt:

MSBuild /p:Configuration=Release "/p:Platform=PDMS 12.1" PmlUnit.sln
MSBuild /p:Configuration=Release "/p:Platform=E3D 1.1" PmlUnit.sln
MSBuild /p:Configuration=Release "/p:Platform=E3D 2.1" PmlUnit.sln


PML Unit is licensed under the MIT license.

The test status icons are taken from Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG, which is licensed under the MIT license.

The test runner icon was created by Recep Kütük and is free for personal and commercial use.