A C++ implementation of the CVRP undirected 3-index model [1] branch-and-cut algorithm using GUROBI's API and CVRPSEP package [2].
Note: in this code it is used this fork of the CVRPSEP package which fixes some minor issues. Please refer to [3] for further details.
C++17 compiler or an early version.
Boost library (program_options)
GUROBI solver (9 or an early version). Academics can obtain it via this link.
Go to the source code folder and to compile type:
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build
for the debug version or
cmake -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build
for the release version.
To run with a configuration file:
$ ./build/bc_cvrp -f [configuration file path]
See the "example.cfg" file at the "input" folder for an example of the input configuration file and
$ ./build/bc_cvrp --help
to see usage.