PoC of using F#/Fable with Google 3D Photorealistic Tiles
Created for F# Adent 2023, the blog post is here: "" It is not finished but can serve value and be a base for the experiments of others. I use Feliz/Elmish/DaisyUI, DeckGL/TurfJS.
F# 8 :)
Instructions Update src/API_keys.fs with your own API key to the Google Map Tile service. Read their docs/ pricing and make your keys appropriately restricted/secured when publishing your own work
- dotnet tool restore (for Fable/Femto)
- npm i
- npm start
- visit url displayed in the console
- adjust/extend/play/enjoy
- add a possibility to cancel animations
- add a possibility to mix animations
About Google 3d tiles You need the API key from the Google Maps Platform: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/tile/get-api-key Put it in src/API_keys.fs while doing experiments and remember to restrict/hide when going to the public. Mind the costs of that service (~6$ for 1000 root requests). Timed session tokens allow for up to three hours of renderer tile requests from a single root tileset request. As Google gives 200$ monthly, you can play with this service for free in most cases if this is the only service you use.
Read the Google docs on your own, I provide the aforementioned information based on my short experiments, I might understood it wrongly, or/and they can become quickly outdated.