Projekt obsahuje nezávislou knihovnu pro slovenský PayBySquare standard QR plateb.
PayBySquare standard byl vytvořen společností ADELANTE, s.r.o. s hlavním důrazem na zbytečnou složitost a obtížnou implementaci tak, aby běžní uživatelé QR plateb museli platit výpalné této společnosti. PayBySquare.TextGenerator.NET řeší tento problém pro implementace v .NET.
This project provides standalone library for Slovak PayBySquare QR payment standard.
PayBySquare standard was created by ADELANTE, s.r.o. company with main focus on unneeded complexity and difficult implementation. Main purpose is to collect ransom fees from common users of QR payments. PayBySquare.TextGenerator.NET deals with this problem for .NET implementation.
There are different options to consume this library:
- Reference NuGet package in your project.
- Download DLL from Releases
- Clone this repository into your project as a submodule or just copy it's content as a project reference.
Library is prepared as .NET Standard 2.0. Code can be easily adjusted to any other project type.
Simple payment:
Dim Data As New PayBySquareTextGenerator.PayBySquareOverkill("CZ1720100000002800266981", 1235.8D, "EUR", "654321", "PayBySquareOverkill")
Dim Text As String = Data.GeneratePayBySquareOverkillString
Payment can be decorated with other informations
Dim Payment As New PayBySquareTextGenerator.Payment
With Payment
.Amount = 112.35
.CurrencyCode = "EUR"
.BankAccounts.Add(New BankAccount("CZ1720100000002800266981", "FIOBCZPPXXX"))
.VariableSymbol = "654321"
.ConstantSymbol = "0308"
.SpecificSymbol = "998877"
.PaymentNote = "PayBySquareOverkill note"
.PaymentDueDate = New Date(2019, 1, 1)
End With
Dim Data As New PayBySquareTextGenerator.PayBySquareOverkill(Payment)
Dim Text As String = Data.GeneratePayBySquareOverkillString
Transfer generated text to QR code using free online generators or custom library.
QR code Error correction level "Medium" is suggested.
Everything except LZMA namespace can be easily rewriten for C#.
LZMA namespace is based on C# managed-lzma project:
Do NOT rewrite this LZMA namespace back to C#, that would be waste of time. Link to managed-lzma project directly (start with ManagedLzma.LZMA.AsyncEncoder) or use it's content to replace local code structure.