This uses the QOI image format to save sequences of images
Tested on M1 macOS, but it should work fine most anywhere.
write a movie
qom *qm = qom_open( "out.qom", "w");
gfx_canvas *c = gfx_canvas_new(400, 300);
qom_putframe(qm, c, usec);
write a movie in real time
qom *qm = qom_open( "out.qom", "w");
gfx_canvas *c = gfx_canvas_new(400, 300);
qom_putframenow(qm, c);
read a movie
qom *qm = qom_open( "out.qom", "r");
for(int frameno = 0; frameno<qom_getnframes(qm); frameno++) {
double usec;
gfx_canvas *c = gfx_getframe(qm, frameno, &usec);
qom *qm = qom_open( "out.qom", "r");
qom_print(qm, "test");
To make the program qomutil:
% make
To convert a series of png files into a QOI movie:
% ./qomutil -toqom 00.png 01.png 02.png test.qom
To read images from a QOI movie:
% ./qomutil -topng test.qom outfamily
To print a summary of a QOImovie:
% ./qomutil -print test.qom
To concatenate several .qom files:
% ./qomcat in1.qom in2.qom in3.qom out.qom
To test everything:
# make test
I'm thinking this could be a nice way to store animated icons and UI elements.
Adding multi-resolution support so the movie could be stored in any number of different sizes.
File format may be changing (a tiny bit) in the near future.
All suggestions welcome.