STL-style implementation of in situ min-max heaps and order statistics trees.
Min-max heaps are complete binary trees with the following properties.
- The smallest element of the heap can be found in the root node. Thus guaranteeing
access to the minimum. - The largest element of the heap can be found in one of the child nodes of the root element. Thus the maximum can also be accessed in
. - Every level of the tree is labelled a min (even) or max (odd) level and the root node of a subtree starting at a min (max) level has the minimum (maximum) value of that subtree.
- Insertion has a worst case complexity of
O(log n)
. - Deletion has a worst case complexity of
O(log n)
. In particular deleting the minimum or the maximum has a worst case complexity ofO(log n)
Analoguos a max-min heap starts with the maximum value in the root and the minimum in one of the root node's child nodes.
This library defines the following operations on min-max heaps similar to the heap operations provided by the C++ Standard Library
Operation | Min-Max Heap | Max-Min Heap | Min Heap (C++ Standard Library) |
Create | order_statistics::make_mm_heap(first, last) |
order_statistics::make_mm_heap(first, last, std::greater<>{}) |
std::make_heap(first, last) |
Insert | order_statistics::push_mm_heap(first, last) |
order_statistics::push_mm_heap(first, last, std::greater<>{}) |
std::make_heap(first, last) |
Delete | order_statistics::pop_mm_heap(first, last) |
order_statistics::pop_mm_heap(first, last, std::greater<>{}) |
std::make_heap(first, last) |
Check | order_statistics::is_mm_heap(first, last) |
order_statistics::is_mm_heap(first, last, std::greater<>{}) |
std::is_heap(first, last) |
order_statistics::make_mm_heap(begin(container), end(container));
const auto min{*begin(container)};
// Expects that the heap has already been created.
assert(order_statistics::is_mm_heap(begin(container), end(container)));
// Expects that there are 2 child nodes. In case of a single child the comparison is not needed.
assert(std::distance(begin(container), end(container)) > 2);
const auto max{std::max(*(begin(container) + 1), *(begin(container) + 2))};
Append the new element to the container of the heap, then call order_statistics::push_mm_heap
assert(order_statistics::is_mm_heap(begin(container), end(container) - 1));
order_statistics::push_mm_heap(begin(container), end(container));
assert(order_statistics::is_mm_heap(begin(container), end(container)));
order_statistics::pop_mm_heap(begin(container), end(container));
assert(std::min_element(begin(container), end(container)) == (end(container) - 1));
An Order Statistics Tree is a data type that supports finding the element at rank k_i from a set of predefined ranks K = {k_i, i in 1 .. m | k_i < k_(i+1)} in O(1)
(rank-query). It also supports finding all elements (unsorted) in the range [k_i, k_j], i < j in O(outputsize)
This library provides the following operations to create, maintain and query order statistics trees in flat memory (in situ).
Operation | Order Statistics Tree |
Create | order_statistics::make_order_statistics_tree(first, last, ranks_first, ranks_last) |
Insert | order_statistics::push_order_statistics_tree(first, last, ranks_first, ranks_last) |
Delete | order_statistics::pop_order_statistics_tree(first, last, ranks_first, ranks_last) |
rank-query | implicitly defined |
range-query | implicitly defined |
In statistics there is also the concept of quantiles that divide the set of samples into equal intervals. Some of those quantiles are of special interest, e.g., Q1 (25th percentile, k_i = n/4), Q2 (median, 50th percentile, k_i = n/2), Q3 (75th percentile, k_i = n*3/4) to describe a distribution.
const auto size{std::distance(begin(container), end(container))};
const typename container_type::iterator ranks[3]{
begin(container) + size / 4, // Q1
begin(container) + size / 2, // Q2
begin(container) + size * 3 / 4 // Q3
order_statistics::make_order_statistics_tree(begin(container), end(container), begin(ranks), end(ranks));
// *ranks[0] is Q1
// *ranks[1] is Q2
// *ranks[2] is Q3
const auto size{std::distance(begin(container), end(container))};
const typename container_type::iterator ranks[1]{
begin(container) + size / 2, // Median
order_statistics::make_order_statistics_tree(begin(container), end(container), begin(ranks), end(ranks));
std::for_each(begin(container), ranks[0], ...);
Conceptually, an order statistics tree is a hybrid data structure that features one vector V[1..m] holding the elements of rank k_i and multiple min-max heaps H_0, ..., H_m where H_i holds the elements V[i] and V[i+1] with V[0] = -inf and V[m+1] = +inf.
To construct the min-max heaps, the order_statistics::make_mm_heap
functions are used. To find the V[i] the function std::nth_element
is used. The min-max heaps are already flat data structures, the elements V[i] are just placed in between those memory sequences.
- Min-Max Heaps and Generalized Priority Queues (1986) by M.D. Atkinson, J.-R. Sack, N. Santoro, and T. Strothotte
- Minmaxheaps, Orderstatisticstrees and Their Application to the Coursemarks Problem (1985) by M.D. Atkinson, J.-R. Sack, N. Santoro, and T. Strothotte