- Added 16px panel icons #216
- Update colored folders #754 #759
- Complete support for Folder Color v0.0.80 and newer. Drop support for Folder Color v0.0.79 and older #557 #759
- Added violet color of folders. Complete support for dolphin-folder-color #761
- Deleted elementaryOS-specific symlinks from all themes except ePapirus 1. Deleted 22px panel icons from ePapirus #785
- Now Papirus Light is compatible with Breeze theme #789
1 If you a maintainer and your package doesn't support elementary OS or Pantheon Desktop you can exclude ePapirus using make IGNORE="ePapirus" install
(see edbb590).
Added icons
- AirMirror (Chrome App)
- Blivet-gui
- Ciano #772
- Company of Heroes 2
- Cryptomator #764
- Dirt Rally
- Disks utility (palimpsest and matepalimpsest)
- Dvd95 Converter
- Geary (Flatpak)
- gLabels
- gnome-logout #775
- GPicView #773
- Graphical Disk Map (GdMap)
- Gravit Designer #783
- Gtkam Digital Camera Browser
- Guvcview #786
- HardInfo #798
- joystick device icon
- KDE Peruse #781
- KDiskFree
- KwikDisk
- Mailspring app and tray icons bilelmoussaoui/Hardcode-Tray#449
- Musescore mime icons #750
- NaSC #771
- OCS Store
- Postr #763
- preferences-ubuntu-panel
- Signal Desktop #787
- SparkleShare #765
- system-hibernate-symbolic
- Ulauncher #777
- Watsapp messaging for Chrome
Updated icons
- Cheese
- battery device icon #801
- folder-remote-symbolic
- folder-tar #754
- indicator-workspaces #780
- KDEConnect
- Kodi
- network-server and network-server-symbolic
- system-file-manager-panel
Changes and fixes
- Added desktop-environment-kde, desktop-environment-unity and desktop-environment-xfce icons #762
- Added display-brightness-symbolic symlink to ePapirus #793
- Added folder icons:
- Added some icons and symlinks for Xfce panel #751
- Changed Disk Usage Analyzer icon and remap a lot of disks symlinks 5fa399a
- Fixed color of folder for Papirus-Adapta-Nokto #754
- Fixed different colors in accessories-calculator
- Fixed symbolic icons that didn't change a color
- Fixed applications-education-mathematics
- Move distributor-logo-, start-here- and related icons to apps #762
- Renamed zeal-panel to zeal-tray #709
- The custom color of folders for Folder Color is restored #766
- Volume and battery symbolic symlinks are restored #794 #795
- Updated Makefile (see commit description) edbb590