Added icons
Android Studio (Beta) #659
AppEditor (com.github.donadigo.appeditor) #653
Artha #637
BlueGriffon #661
Boot-Up Manager (BUM) #617
Brackets-Electron #642
Byobu #660
Caja-Dropbox #661
Chrome App Builder (Chrome App) #661
Chromium B.S.U #585
Code #614
Color Picker (com.github.ronnydo.colorpicker) #667
Dash Core #622
DBeaver Enterprise Edition #658
dnfdragora #632
Don't Starve #672
Don't Starve Together #671
fedora-release-notes #633
Firewatch #670
Formatter #626
Google Play Music (Chrome App) #661
Hash-it #612
Hash It (com.github.artemanufrij.hashit) #656
HP Print for Chrome (Chrome App) #661
HTTrack #661
Hyper #661
JetBrains Gogland #673
JetBrains Rider #624
keyboard #634
Logisim #665
Master PDF Editor #667
Mellow Player
Netease Cloud Music #648
Numpty Physics #585
Opera Beta #663
org.gnome.Calendar-symbolic symlink #652
Plex Media Manager #667
QtPass #662
RabbitVCS apps, actions and emblems icons #647
Reportbug #643
Samba-GUI #615
Screencast #611
SportsTracker #644
SRWare Iron Browser #651
Synology Cloud Station Drive #625
System Monitor (com.github.stsdc.monitor) #656
Terminus #623 (Chrome App) #661
tint2 #635
Toby: The Secret Mine #668
Torrential #613
Tranqil #656
Trello (Chrome App) #636
Unreal Engine 4 #629
Waterfox #639 #640
Webpin #619
WordPress #661
Yubico Authenticator #621
Updated icons
Firefox and Firefox Nightly #631
gPodder #646
Tor Browser #655
Changes and fixes
Added Liferea tray icons for Hardcode-Tray #657
Added Rhythmbox tray icons for Hardcode-Tray
Added panel icon for Mate msd-xrandr-manager #616
Added googledrive
symlink for Clementine
Fixed disk-usage-analyzer icon #620 #617
Fixed wrong width/height in symbolic icons #574
Minor fixes for icons: google-chrome, chromium-browser, google-chrome-unstable and usb-creator
Added complete support for BSD systems to Papirus Installer #649
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