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A PowerShell module that manages contexts with secrets and variables.


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Modules usually have two types of data that would be great to store and manage in a good way: module and user settings and secrets. With this module, we aim to store this data using a the concept of Contexts that are stored locally on the machine where the module is running. It lets module developers separate user and module data from the module code, so that modules can be created in a way where users can resume from where they left off without having to reconfigure the module or log in to services that support refreshing sessions with data you can store, i.e., refresh tokens.

What is a Context?

The consept of Contexts is built on top of the functionality provided by the Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement and Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore modules. The Context module manages a set of secrets that is stored in a SecretVault instance. A context in this case is a data structure that supports secrets and regular datatypes converted to a modified JSON structure and stored as a string based secret in the SecretStore. The Context is stored in the SecretVault as a secret with the name Context:<ContextId>.

The context is stored as compressed JSON and could look something like the examples below. These are the same data but one shows the JSON structure that is stored in the SecretStore and the other shows the same data as a PSCustomObject that could be used in a PowerShell script.

The ID of the context is the name of the secret that it is stored as in the SecretStore. The ID is also stored with the context as a property in the context data structure. This is to make it easier to find the context when you only have the context object.

Input to Set-Context - As a PSCustomObject

Typical the first input to a context (altho it can also be a hashtable or any other object type that converts with JSON) This object should NOT have a property on root of the object called ID as this is added by the module.

Set-Context -ID 'john_doe' -Context ([PSCustomObject]@{
    Username          = 'john_doe'
    AuthToken         = 'ghp_12345ABCDE67890FGHIJ' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force #gitleaks:allow
    LoginTime         = Get-Date
    IsTwoFactorAuth   = $true
    TwoFactorMethods  = @('TOTP', 'SMS')
    LastLoginAttempts = @(
            Timestamp = (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
            IP        = '' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
            Success   = $true
            Timestamp = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
            IP        = '' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
            Success   = $false
    UserPreferences   = @{
        Theme         = 'dark'
        DefaultBranch = 'main'
        Notifications = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Email = $true
            Push  = $false
            SMS   = $true
        CodeReview    = @('PR Comments', 'Inline Suggestions')
    Repositories      = @(
            Name        = 'Repo1'
            IsPrivate   = $true
            CreatedDate = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-6)
            Stars       = 42
            Languages   = @('Python', 'JavaScript')
            Name        = 'Repo2'
            IsPrivate   = $false
            CreatedDate = (Get-Date).AddYears(-1)
            Stars       = 130
            Languages   = @('C#', 'HTML', 'CSS')
    AccessScopes      = @('repo', 'user', 'gist', 'admin:org')
    ApiRateLimits     = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Limit     = 5000
        Remaining = 4985
        ResetTime = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(30)
    SessionMetaData   = [PSCustomObject]@{
        SessionID   = 'sess_abc123'
        Device      = 'Windows-PC'
        Location    = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Country = 'USA'
            City    = 'New York'
        BrowserInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name    = 'Chrome'
            Version = '118.0.1'
The stored data in a secret - As a processed JSON

This is how the objecet above is stored, except that this is an uncomressed version for readability. Here you see that the ID property is added.

    "ID": "Context:john_doe",
    "Username": "john_doe",
    "AuthToken": "[SECURESTRING]ghp_12345ABCDE67890FGHIJ",
    "LoginTime": "2024-11-21T21:16:56.2518249+01:00",
    "IsTwoFactorAuth": true,
    "TwoFactorMethods": [
    "LastLoginAttempts": [
            "Timestamp": "2024-11-21T20:16:56.2518510+01:00",
            "IP": "[SECURESTRING]",
            "Success": true
            "Timestamp": "2024-11-20T21:16:56.2529436+01:00",
            "IP": "[SECURESTRING]",
            "Success": false
    "UserPreferences": {
        "Theme": "dark",
        "DefaultBranch": "main",
        "Notifications": {
            "Email": true,
            "Push": false,
            "SMS": true
        "CodeReview": [
            "PR Comments",
            "Inline Suggestions"
    "Repositories": [
            "Name": "Repo1",
            "IsPrivate": true,
            "CreatedDate": "2024-05-21T21:16:56.2540703+02:00",
            "Stars": 42,
            "Languages": [
            "Name": "Repo2",
            "IsPrivate": false,
            "CreatedDate": "2023-11-21T21:16:56.2545789+01:00",
            "Stars": 130,
            "Languages": [
    "AccessScopes": [
    "ApiRateLimits": {
        "Limit": 5000,
        "Remaining": 4985,
        "ResetTime": "2024-11-21T21:46:56.2550348+01:00"
    "SessionMetaData": {
        "SessionID": "sess_abc123",
        "Device": "Windows-PC",
        "Location": {
            "Country": "USA",
            "City": "New York"
        "BrowserInfo": {
            "Name": "Chrome",
            "Version": "118.0.1"
Output from Get-Context - As a PSCustomObject

This is how the object is returned from the Get-Context function. Notice that the ID property has been added to the object.

Get-Context -ID 'john_doe'

ID                : Context:john_doe
UserPreferences   : @{DefaultBranch=main; Notifications=; Theme=dark; CodeReview=System.Object[]}
LastLoginAttempts : {@{Success=True; IP=System.Security.SecureString; Timestamp=11/24/2024 2:09:12 PM}, @{Success=False; IP=System.Security.SecureString; Timestamp=11/23/2024 3:09:12 PM}}
IsTwoFactorAuth   : True
AuthToken         : System.Security.SecureString
TwoFactorMethods  : {TOTP, SMS}
LoginTime         : 11/24/2024 3:09:12 PM
ApiRateLimits     : @{Limit=5000; Remaining=4985; ResetTime=11/24/2024 3:39:12 PM}
Repositories      : {@{CreatedDate=5/24/2024 3:09:12 PM; Stars=42; Name=Repo1; IsPrivate=True; Languages=System.Object[]}, @{CreatedDate=11/24/2023 3:09:12 PM; Stars=130; Name=Repo2; IsPrivate=False;
SessionMetaData   : @{BrowserInfo=; Device=Windows-PC; Location=; SessionID=sess_abc123}
Username          : john_doe
AccessScopes      : {repo, user, gist, admin:org}


This module relies on Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement and Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretStore. The module automatically installs these modules if they are not already installed.


Install the module from the PowerShell Gallery by running the following command:

Install-PSResource -Name Context -TrustRepository -Repository PSGallery
Import-Module -Name Context


As mentioned earlier, there are two types of data that can be stored using the Context module: module and user settings and secrets. Lets have a look at how to use the module to store these types of data in abit more detail.

Module settings

To store module data, the module developer can create a context that defines a "namespace" for the module. This context can store settings and secrets for the module. A module developer can also create additional contexts for additional settings that share the same lifecycle, like settings associated with a module extension.

Let's say we have a module called GitHub that needs to store some settings and secrets. The module developer could initialize a context called GitHub as part of the loading section in the module code. All module configuration could be stored in this context by using the functionality in this module. The context for the module is stored in the SecretVault as a secret with the name Context:GitHub.

User Configuration

To store user data, the module developer can create a new context that defines a "namespace" for the user configuration. So let's say a developer has implemented this for the GitHub module, a user would log in using their details. The module would call upon Context functionality to create a new context under the GitHub namespace.

Imagine a user called BobMarley logs in to the GitHub module. The following would exist in the context:

  • Context:GitHub containing module configuration, like default user, host, and client ID to use if not otherwise specified.
  • Context:GitHub/BobMarley containing user configuration, details about the user, secrets and default values for API calls etc.

Let's say the person also has another account on GitHub called RastaBlasta. After logging on with the second account, the following context would also exist in the context:

  • Context:GitHub/RastaBlasta containing user configuration, details about the user, secrets and default values for API calls etc.

With this the module developer could allow users to set default context, and store a key of the name of that context in the module context. This way the module could automatically log in the user to the correct account when the module is loaded. The user could also switch between accounts by changing the default context.

Setup for a New Module

To set up a new module to use the Context module, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Create a new context for the module -> Set-Context -ID 'GitHub' -Context @{ ... } during the module initialization.


$script:Config = @{
    Name = 'GitHub'


### This is the context config for this module
$contextParams = @{
    ID      = 'GitHub'
    Context = @{
        Name = 'GitHub'
try {
    Set-Context @contextParams
} catch {
    Write-Error $_
    throw 'Failed to initialize secret vault'
  1. Add some module configuration -> $context = Get-Context -ID 'GitHub' -> Change settings using the returned object and then Set-Context -ID 'GitHub' -Context $context to store the changes.

Setup for a New Context

To set up a new context for a user, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Create a set of integration functions that you can expose to the user and that uses the Context module to store user data. Its highly recommended to do this so that you as a module developer can create the structure you want for the context, while also giving the user the expected function names to interact with the module.

    • Set-<ModuleName>Context that uses Set-Context.
    • Get-<ModuleName>Context that uses Get-Context.
    • Remove-<ModuleName>Context that uses Remove-Context
  2. Create a new context for the user -> Set-Context -ID 'GitHub.BobMarley' -> Context GitHub/BobMarley is created.

  3. Add some user configuration -> $context = Get-Context -ID 'GitHub.BobMarley' -> Change settings using the returned object and then Set-Context -ID 'GitHub.BobMarley' -Context $context to store the changes.

  4. Get the user configuration -> Get-Context -Context 'GitHub/BobMarley' -> The context object is returned, and you can access the data in it.


Coder or not, you can contribute to the project! We welcome all contributions.

For Users

If you don't code, you still sit on valuable information that can make this project even better. If you experience that the product does unexpected things, throws errors, or is missing functionality, you can help by submitting bugs and feature requests. Please see the issues tab on this project and submit a new issue that matches your needs.

For Developers

If you do code, we'd love to have your contributions. Please read the Contribution guidelines for more information.
