Everything in this branch will be periodically uploaded to the testing website
This project is also used in the Dynamic Do It Yourself Signatures project. For more info, view our Github.
My own scripts plus enhanced versions of some scripts I've found.
More info: hypixel.net/threads/tool-skin-rot8or-generate-gifs.228872/
I'm currently busy cleaning up my code before I would upload it to here. Also, I'm checking all licenses.
I have uploaded this so people can take a look at my code and help improve it 😄. Read LICENSE carefully. (In short: Provide attribution when using this project, and please notify me so I can check out your work) And, please file bugs and/or pull requests. Improving this helps us, and you!
Uses https://github.com/Sybio/GifCreator, and 3d.class.php contains some more info about its authors.