Proposals to the ODAO
To explain in brief, the procedure begins with a proposal submitted via a Pull Request to this repository. We begin with only a simple Yes/No proposal, to expand as the governance requires it to.
- It must follow the Proposal Template.
- Every proposal begins as Proposed, and everyone may express their opinions on it during the Discussion Phase, for no less than 3 days unless in case of emergency.
- During this phase edits can be made, and it is at the Author's discression to make a final one. Proposals that go against the ODAO's constitution will not be allowed to proceed to the next phase and will be rejected immediately.
- Once a Proposal moves to an On-Chain vote, it changes status to Judged, and is otherwise in a frozen state.
- After a vote finishes, it is either Accepted or Rejected. If Rejected, the proposal may be submitted again as a new pull request, with whatever adjustments are deemed necessary.