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Copilot template to bring your own copilots into the OpenBB Terminal Pro

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Bring your own Copilot to OpenBB Terminal

Welcome to the example repository for integrating custom copilots into the OpenBB Terminal.

This repository provides everything you need to build and add your own custom copilots to OpenBB Copilot.

Here are a few common reasons why you might want to build your own copilot:

  • You have a unique data source that you don't want to add as a custom integration to OpenBB Terminal.
  • You want to use a specific LLM.
  • You want to use a local LLM.
  • You want a Copilot that is self-hosted on your infrastructure.
  • You are running on-premise in a locked-down environment that doesn't allow data to leave your VPC.


To integrate a custom Copilot that you can interact with from the OpenBB Terminal, you'll need to create a backend API that the Terminal can make requests to.

Your custom copilot API will respond with Server-Sent Events (SSEs).

Note: If you're looking to get started quickly, we suggest running one of the example copilots included as part of this repository, and adding it as a custom copilot to OpenBB Terminal (each example copilot includes instructions on how to run them). Cloning and modifying an example copilot is a great way to build a custom copilot.

The Copilot protocol is stateless

The most important concept to understand is that the copilot protocol is stateless. This means that every request from OpenBB Terminal to your copilot will include all previous messages (such as AI completions, human messages, function calls, and function call results) in the request payload.

This means it is not necessary for your custom copilot to maintain any state between requests. It should simply use the request payload to generate a response.

OpenBB Terminal is solely responsible for maintaining the conversation state, and will append the responses to the messages array in the request payload.

Handling requests from OpenBB Terminal

OpenBB Terminal will make POST requests to the query endpoint defined in your copilots.json file (more on this later). The payload of this request will contain data such as the current conversation's messages, any explicitly-added context, information about widgets on the currently-active dashboard, URLs to retrieve, and so on.

API Request Schema

The core of the query request schema you must implement is as follows:

  "messages": [  # <-- the chat messages between the user and the copilot (including function calls and results)
      "role": "human",  # <-- each message has a role: "human", "ai", or "tool"
      "content": "Hi there."  # <-- the content of the message
  "context": [  # <-- explicitly added context by the user (optional)
      "uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  # <-- the UUID of the widget
      "name": "<widget name>",  # <-- the name of the widget
      "description": "<widget description>",  # <-- the description of the widget
      "data": {
        "content": "<data>"  # <-- the data of the widget
      "metadata": {
        "<metadata key>": "<metadata value>",  # <-- the metadata of the widget
  "widgets": [  # <-- the widgets currently visible on the active dashboard on Terminal Pro (optional)
      "uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  # <-- the UUID of the widget
      "name": "<widget name>",  # <-- the name of the widget
      "description": "<widget description>",  # <-- the description of the widget
      "metadata": {
        "<metadata key>": "<metadata value>",  # <-- the metadata of the widget

We'll go over each of these fields in more detail below.


This is the list of messages between the user and the copilot. This includes the user's messages, the copilot's messages, function calls, and function call results. Each message has a role and content.

The simplest example is when no function calling is involved, which simply consists of an array of human and ai messages.

OpenBB Terminal automatically appends all return ai messages (from your Copilot) to the messages array of any follow-up request.

# Only one human message
  "messages": [
      "role": "human", 
      "content": "Hi there."
# Multiple messages
  "messages": [
      "role": "human", 
      "content": "Hi there."
      "role": "ai", 
      "content": "Hi there, I'm a copilot. How are you?"
      "role": "human", 
      "content": "I'm fine, thank you. What is the weather in Tokyo?"

Function calls to Terminal Pro (such as when retrieving widget data), as well as the results of those function calls (containing the widget data), are also included in the messages array. For information on function calling, see the "Function Calling" section below.


This is an optional array of widget data that will be sent by OpenBB Terminal when widgets have been added as context explicitly by the user. This happens when the user clicks on the "Add as Context" button on a widget in OpenBB Terminal.


The context field works as follows:

  "context": [
      "uuid": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",  # <-- each widget has a UUID
      "name": "Analyst Estimates",
      "description": "Contains analyst estimates for a ticker",
      "data": {
        "content": "<data>"  # <-- the data of the widget could either be a JSON string or plaintext (you must choose how to handle this in your copilot)
      "metadata": {  # <-- additional metadata about the widget
        "symbol": "AAPL",
        "period": "quarter",
        "source": "Financial Modelling Prep",
        "lastUpdated": 1728998071322
      "uuid": "8b2e5f79-3a1d-4c9e-b6f8-1e7d2a9c0b3d",  # <-- the context can have multiple widgets
      "name": "Earnings Transcripts",  
      "description": "Contains earnings transcripts for a ticker",
      "data": {
        "content": "<data>"  # <-- the data of the widget
      "metadata": {
        "symbol": "AAPL",
        "period": "quarter",
        "source": "Intrinio",
        "lastUpdated": 1728998071322


This is an array of widgets that are currently visible on the active dashboard on Terminal Pro. *This is only useful if you're planning on implementing function calling in your custom copilot (which is recommended, but not required), which allows it to request widget data from the user's currently-active dashboard on OpenBB Terminal.

  "widgets": [
      "uuid": "c276369e-e469-4689-b5fe-3f8c76f7c45a",
      "name": "Stock Price Quote Widget",
      "description": "Contains the current stock price of a ticker",
      "metadata": {
        "ticker": "AAPL"
      "uuid": "9f8e7d6c-5b4a-3c2e-1d0f-9e8d7c6b5a4b",
      "name": "Financial Ratios Widget",
      "description": "Displays key financial ratios for a company",
      "metadata": {
        "ticker": "AAPL",
        "period": "TTM"

Response Schema

Your custom copilot must respond to OpenBB Terminal's request using Server-Sent Events (SSEs).

OpenBB Terminal can process the following SSEs:

  • copilotMessageChunk: Used to return streamed copilot tokens (partial responses) back to OpenBB Terminal. These responses can be streamed as they are generated.
  • copilotFunctionCall: Used to request data (e.g., widget data) or perform a specific function. This instructs Terminal Pro to take further action on the client's side. This is only necessary if you're planning on implementing function calling in your custom copilot.


The message chunk SSE has the following format:

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":"H"}  # <-- the `data` field must be a JSON object.

The delta must be a string, but can be of any length. We suggest streaming back each chunk you receive from your LLM as soon as it's generated as a delta.

For example, if you wanted to stream back the message "Hi!", you would send the following SSEs:

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":"H"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":"i"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":"!"}

copilotFunctionCall (only required for function calling)

The function call SSE has the following format:

event: copilotFunctionCall
data: {"function":"get_widget_data","input_arguments":{"widget_uuid":"c276369e-e469-4689-b5fe-3f8c76f7c45a"}}

Again, the data field must be a JSON object. The function field is the name of the function to be called (currently only get_widget_data is supported), and the input_arguments field is a dictionary of arguments to be passed to the function. For the get_widget_data function, the only required argument is widget_uuid, which is the UUID of the widget to retrieve data for (from one of the UUIDs in the widgets array of the request).

Function Calling

By adding function calling to your copilot, it will be able to request data that is visible on a user's currently-active dashboard in OpenBB Terminal.

A list of all widgets currently visible on a user's dashboard is sent to your copilot in the widgets array of the request payload.

To retrieve the data from a widget, your copilot should respond with a copilotFunctionCall event, specifying the widget UUID:

event: copilotFunctionCall
data: {"function":"get_widget_data","input_arguments":{"widget_uuid":"c276369e-e469-4689-b5fe-3f8c76f7c45a"}}

After emitting a copilotFunctionCall event, you must close the connection and wait for a new query request from OpenBB Terminal.

When a copilotFunctionCall event is received, OpenBB Terminal will retrieve the data, and initiate a new query request. This new query request will include the original function call, as well as the function call result in the messages array.

  "messages": [
      "role": "ai",
      "content": "{\"function\":\"get_widget_data\",\"input_arguments\":{\"widget_uuid\":\"c276369e-e469-4689-b5fe-3f8c76f7c45a\"}}"
      "role": "tool",
      "function": "get_widget_data",
      "data": {
        "content": "<data>"

Notice that:

  • Both the function call and the function call result are included in the messages array.
  • The content field of the function call ai message is a verbatim string-encoded JSON object of the data field of the copilotFunctionCall event (this is a very useful mechanism for smuggling additional metadata related to the function call, if your copilot needs it).

Currently, the only function call supported by the OpenBB Terminal is get_widget_data, which retrieves data from a specific widget.

Function call example

Your custom copilot receives the following request from OpenBB Terminal:

  "messages": [
      "role": "human",
      "content": "What is the current stock price of AAPL?"
  "widgets": [
      "uuid": "38181a68-9650-4940-84fb-a3f29c8869f3",
      "name": "Historical Stock Price",
      "description": "Historical Stock Price",
      "metadata": {
        "symbol": "AAPL",
        "source": "Financial Modelling Prep",
        "lastUpdated": 1728994470324

You then parse the response, format the messages to your LLM (including information on which widgets are available). Let's assume that your copilot determines that the user's query can be answered using the widget available, and generates a function call to retrieve the data.

Your copilot then responds with the following SSE and close the connection:

event: copilotFunctionCall
data: {"function":"get_widget_data","input_arguments":{"widget_uuid":"38181a68-9650-4940-84fb-a3f29c8869f3"}}

OpenBB Terminal will then execute the specified function, and make a new query request to your custom copilot:

  "messages": [
      "role": "human",
      "content": "What is the current stock price of AAPL?"
      "role": "ai",
      "content": "{\"function\":\"get_widget_data\",\"input_arguments\":{\"widget_uuid\":\"38181a68-9650-4940-84fb-a3f29c8869f3\"}}"  
      "role": "tool",
      "function": "get_widget_data",
      "data": {
        "content": "[{\"date\":\"2024-10-15T00:00:00-04:00\",\"open\":233.61,\"high\":237.49,\"low\":232.37,\"close\":233.85,\"volume\":61901688,\"vwap\":234.33,\"adj_close\":233.85,\"change\":0.24,\"change_percent\":0.0010274},{\"date\":\"2024-10-14T00:00:00-04:00\",\"open\":228.7,\"high\":231.73,\"low\":228.6,\"close\":231.3,\"volume\":39882100,\"vwap\":230.0825,\"adj_close\":231.3,\"change\":2.6,\"change_percent\":0.0114},{\"date\":\"2024-10-11T00:00:00-04:00\",\"open\":229.3,\"high\":233.2,\"low\":228.9,\"close\":231.0,\"volume\":32581944,\"vwap\":231.0333,\"adj_close\":231.0,\"change\":1.7,\"change_percent\":0.0074}, ... ]"
  "widgets": [
      "uuid": "38181a68-9650-4940-84fb-a3f29c8869f3",
      "name": "Historical Stock Price",
      "description": "Historical Stock Price",
      "metadata": {
        "symbol": "AAPL",
        "source": "Financial Modelling Prep",
        "lastUpdated": 1728994470324

You then parse the response, process the data, and format the messages to your LLM. Let's assume that the LLM then generates a string of tokens to answer the user's query. These are then streamed back to the user using the copilotMessageChunk SSE:

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":"The"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" current"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" stock"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" price"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" of"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" Apple"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" Inc."}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" (AAPL)"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" is"}

event: copilotMessageChunk
data: {"delta":" $150.75."}

Configuring your custom copilot for OpenBB Terminal (copilots.json)

To integrate your custom copilot with OpenBB Terminal, you need to configure and serve a copilots.json file. This file defines how your custom copilot connects with the frontend, including which features are supported by your custom copilot, and where requests should be sent.

Here is an example copilots.json configuration:

  "example_copilot": { # <-- the ID of your copilot
    "name": "Mistral Example Co. Copilot", # <-- the display name of your copilot
    "description": "AI-powered financial copilot that uses Mistral Large as its LLM.", # <-- a short description of your copilot
    "image": "<url>", # <-- a URL to an image icon for your copilot
    "hasStreaming": true, # <-- whether your copilot supports streaming responses via SSEs. This must always be true.
    "hasFunctionCalling": true, # <-- whether your copilot supports function calling
    "endpoints": {
      "query": "<url>" # <-- the URL that Terminal Pro will send requests to. For example, "http://localhost:7777/v1/query"

Your copilots.json file must be served at <your-host>/copilots.json, for example, http://localhost:7777/copilots.json.


Copilot template to bring your own copilots into the OpenBB Terminal Pro






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