This is a simple Node.js API built using the Express framework. It provides two endpoints /__down
and /__up
specific functionalities. This project uses PM2 for process management and deployment.
- Node.js >= 18.x
- PM2 (Optional for deployment)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd /path/to/your/project
Install required packages:
npm install
To run the API, execute the following command:
npm run dev
This will start the server on
Navigate to the project directory and run:
npm run start
- Method:
- Description: On receiving a GET request, it captures the current time and inspects a
query parameter. It then limits this value based on a predefined maximum or falls back to a default size. The server responds with a string of zeroes, the length of which is determined by the processed byte size. HTTP headers are set for cross-origin allowance, content-type, and custom meta information.
- Method:
- Description: Upon receiving a POST request, it logs the current time and the endpoint accessed. The response is then set with several HTTP headers for cross-origin and timing allowance, as well as a custom header indicating the request time. Finally, an "OK" message is sent back as the response body.