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Project: Traffic signs classification and semantic segmentation using deep learning

In this project, we used Python and TensorFlow to classify and recognize traffic signs.

Dataset used: For classification German Traffic Sign Dataset. This dataset has more than 50,000 images of 43 classes.

For segmentation Cityscapes Dataset.

Pipeline architecture:

  1. Segmentation:
  • Load The Data.

  • Model Architecture.

    • DeepLab.
  • Model Training and Evaluation.

  • Testing the Model Using the Test Set.

  • Extract the signs traffic objects.

  1. Classification
  • Load The Data.

  • Data Preprocessing.

    • Resizing.
    • Cropping.
  • Model Architecture.

    • Resnet50
  • Model Training and Evaluation.

  • Testing the Model Using the Test Set.

We'll explain each step in details below.


  • Ubuntu 19.10
  • Anaconda 5.3
  • Python 3.6
  • TensorFlow 1.12.0 (GPU support)
  • Spyder

Step 1.1: Load The Data(semantic segmentation)

We downloaded dataset and convert to TFRecord.

There is script (under the folder datasets) to convert Cityscapes dataset to TFRecord. First download the dataset beforehand by registering in the website.

Step 3.1: Model Architecture


DeepLab is a state-of-art deep learning model for semantic image segmentation, where the goal is to assign semantic labels to every pixel in the input image.

Step 4.1: Model Training

Step 5.1: Testing the Model using the Test Set

Now, we'll use the testing set to measure the accuracy of the model over unknown examples.

Sample of the Result


Step 6.1: Extract the signs traffic objects.

find the contours and draw a rectangular boundary to extract them. download

This is the result: pasted image 0

Step 1.2: Load The Data(classification)

Dataset Requirements Dataset Folder should only have folders of each class. Dataloader will automatically split the dataset into training and validation data in 80:20 ratio.

└── DatasetFolder
    ├── ClassOne                 
    │   ├── FirstImage.jpg                       
    │   ├── SecondImage.jpg                 
    │   └── ...    
    ├── ClassTwo  
    │   └── ...    
    ├── ClassThree               
    │   └── ...    
    └── ...

Step 3.2: Data Preprocessing

In this step, we will apply several preprocessing steps to the input images to achieve the best possible results.

We will use the following preprocessing techniques:

  1. Resizing. image_size: 128*128
  2. Cropping. We used the coordinates in the CSV file to crop the image

Image Before processing:


Image After processing:

00002 ppm00002_00018

Step 3.2: Design a Model Architecture(classification)

In this step, we will use a deep learning model that learns to recognize traffic signs from our dataset German Traffic Sign Dataset.

We'll use ResNet-50 that described in the paper "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" ( to classify the images in this dataset.

3-TableII-1 (1)

Step 4.2: Model Training and Evaluation

In this step, we will train our model using normalized_images, then we'll compute softmax cross entropy between logits and labels to measure the model's error probability.

Step 5.2: Testing the Model using the Test Set

Now, we'll use the testing set to measure the accuracy of the model over unknown examples. At the end we got classified image with the percentage of the prediction.

unnamed (1)

Accuracy and Confusion Matrix

Accuracy: 95%


Error Analysis And Conclusion

To sum up, our project has two steps, first, we have the image of the street which has a lot of objects beside the traffic signs so we used semantic segmentation to identify all objects in the image then we extracted only the traffic signs. After that, the second step is to classify the extracted traffic signs to 43 classes we trained the model on, but we faced a problem because some of the extracted signs are not in the 43 classes we have so we added a new class. Class 44 is called an undefined class that contains the traffic signs which not included in the 43 plus any other image that not a traffic sign such as street names. After testing our model using the 44 classes We notice that most of the traffic signs including the 43 classes are classified correctly with high accuracy but for the undefine class the accuracy was very low, the reason behind the low accuracy in our opinion is we do not have enough dataset to train our model for the undefined class. The next step would be to collect more images of the undefined traffic signs and train again the model.

pasted image 0


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