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JovannMC edited this page Jun 23, 2024 · 9 revisions

Here are the explanations of each setting available in SlimeTora, along with recommendations of what to do with them.

  • Setting name - Available options
    • Explanation
    • Woah

Tracker settings

These are explanations of the tracker settings (not new with SlimeTora):

  • Sensor mode - Mode 1 / Mode 2
    • This allows you to toggle the use of the magnetometer for tracking. Mode 1 enables the magnetometer and Mode 2 disables it.
    • If you have an unstable geomagnetic environment (red mag status or large metal objects/devices in room), it is best to leave this on Mode 2 to reduce the chance of major tracker drift.
    • Otherwise, if you have a stable environment (green/yellow mag status) Mode 1 is much more accurate.
  • FPS transfer rate - 50 FPS / 100 FPS
    • Not much explanation needed, changes how many times the tracker sends data per second.
    • If using Bluetooth, using 50 FPS may be more stable.
  • Sensor auto correction - Accelerometer / Gyroscope / Magnetometer
    • This allows for additional data to be used from the enabled sensors for the tracking. There is not much info about this, other than the fact that it is "best not to touch it" (from CEO of Shiftall).
    • Results from these settings will vary from environment-to-environment, so do your own testing to see which is best for you.
    • By default:
      • accelerometer is enabled for HaritoraX Wireless trackers
      • accelerometer and gyroscope is enabled for HaritoraX Wired (1.1b/1.1/1.0) trackers.

SlimeTora-specific settings

These are explanations of settings that are new with SlimeTora:

Tracker information

  • Tracker visualization - on / off (switch)
    • See a visualization of the trackers' rotation and acceleration (gravity) directly in SlimeTora.
    • This increases CPU usage by a bit, so it's best to keep this disabled during normal use.
  • Censor serial numbers - on / off (switch)
    • If using Bluetooth, this censors the serial numbers on both the device name and device id boxes.
    • Could be useful for content creation (video/streaming).

Program settings

  • Tracker model - HaritoraX Wireless / HaritoraX 1.1b/1.1/1.0
    • Changes what trackers the program will search for
    • Both cannot be enabled at the same time, however a workaround is to extract SlimeTora into two different folders and run both instances separately.
  • Connection mode - Bluetooth / COM / GX(6/2)
    • Changes how the program connects to the trackers.
    • Both connection modes can be enabled at the same time (if using HaritoraX Wireless) if combining bluetooth and the dongle.
  • COM ports - (available COM ports)
    • Select the COM port(s) the program will listen to for tracker data.
    • For the HaritoraX Wired (1.1b/1.1/1.0) models, select the COM port the trackers have been assigned to by your BT adapter.
      • This can be found in HaritoraConfigurator under Communication Settings.
    • For the HaritoraX Wireless with the GX(6/2) dongles, you can select up to 4 COM ports to listen to.
      • See this to see which ones to select.
      • The limit can be overriden with Bypass port limit
    • The GX6 uses 3 COM ports (two trackers per port) while the GX2 uses 1 COM port for both elbows.
  • Tracker visualization FPS - (integer input)
    • Changes the FPS limit on the tracker visualizations.
    • To keep the CPU usage lower, it is set to 10 by default.


  • Write to log files - on / off (switch)
    • Allows for logging of main and renderer console outputs to a log file (YYYYMMDD.txt).
    • Used to debug the program and help solve issues.
  • Skip SlimeVR check - on / off (switch)
    • Disables the SlimeVR not found error when starting a connection.
    • Useful to debug SlimeTora issues.
  • Bypass port limit - on / off (switch)
    • Disables the artificial limit on the amount of COM ports you can select (4).
    • Useful in rare cases where you have multiple GX dongles and HaritoraX trackers.
  • Logging mode - Minimal data / Extra data / All data (!!!)
    • Controls how much logs the program outputs.
    • Generally, setting it higher may cause more lag, higher CPU usage, and huge log files!
    • You would only need to change this if you are troubleshooting an issue or requested to do so.

Other settings

  • Language - (available languages)
    • Changes the language used in the program.

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