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improve uwu language more lol (and fix unix smh)
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"erm, well acktuwally, linux isnt unix based ☝️ 🤓. Linux is just a kernel and a part of the gnu operating system, which is unix like, but not unix based"
- @kruemmelbande

(and yeah afaik macos doesn't need extra setup)

also minor changes
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JovannMC committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 25428e0 commit 1e0310f
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Showing 4 changed files with 28 additions and 28 deletions.
48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions src/languages/UwU.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"main": {
"title": "SwimeTowa",
"connectedTrackers": "Connyected kitties:",
"startConnection": "Stawt meowing",
"startConnection": "Stawt meowing :3",
"stopConnection": "Nyo meowing :(",
"onboarding": "Meow at onboawding",
"status": {
Expand All @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"noTrackerModel": "nyo twacker modew sewected",
"noComPorts": "nyo COM powts sewected",
"autodetect": {
"running": "wunnying cat-detection...",
"running": "wunning cat-detection...",
"success": "cat-detection compwete :3",
"failed": "cat-detection faiwed :("
Expand All @@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
"trackerInfo": {
"title": "Twacker infowmation",
"tooltip": "See infowmation about the connyected twackers. An option with yewwow text wequiwes a westawt of the connyection ow pwogwam 2 appwy.",
"compactView": "Smol wiew",
"compactView": "Smol wiew :3",
"censorSerialNumbers": "aaa hide twacker nyumbews",
"trackerVisualization": "See twackers :o",
"turnOffTrackers": "Cyutely kill aww twackers :3",
"turnOffTrackers": "Cyutely kill awltwackers :3",
"pairing": "Manyage GX(6/2) paiwing",
"fixTrackers": "Fix hawd-bwicked twackers OwO?",
"deviceName": "Dewice:",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"programSettings": {
"title": "Pwogwam meowings",
"title": "Pwogwam meowings :3",
"tooltip": "Set the meowings of the pwogwam. An option with yewwow text wequiwes a westawt of the connyection ow pwogwam 2 appwy.",
"trackerModel": {
"title": "Twacker modew",
Expand All @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"connectionMode": {
"title": "Connyection mode",
"tooltip": "Sewect the connyection mode used 2 connyect 2 the twackers. Muwtipwe modes can be used at the same time if wanted.",
"bluetooth": "Bwuetooth (WE)",
"bluetooth": "Bwuetooth (LE)",
"com": "COM / GX(6/2)"
"comPorts": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"trackerSettings": {
"title": "Twacker meowings",
"tooltip": "Set the gwobaw meowings fow the twackers (can be uVRwiden pew-twacker).",
"tooltip": "Set the gwobaw meowings fow the twackers (can be uvwwiden pew-twacker).",
"fps": {
"title": "Nyas twansfew wate",
"tooltip": "Sewect the nyas twansfew wate fow the twackers. If using Bwuetooth, 50FPS may be mowe stabwe.",
Expand All @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"about": {
"title": "who us :3",
"title": "Who us :3",
"text": "The SwimeTowa pwojyect is a middwewawe pwogwam that awwows u 2 connyect the HawitowaX twackers 2 the SwimeVR servew.",
"authors": "Meowed by:",
"credits": {
Expand All @@ -154,14 +154,14 @@
"debugging": {
"title": "Demeowing",
"tooltip": "An option with yewwow text wequiwes a westawt of the connyection ow pwogwam 2 appwy.",
"text": "Enyabwe ow disabwe demeowing featuwes fow the pwogwam. Using wogging mode 'Aww nibbles (!!!)' wiww cause huge wog fiwes and wag, onwy use if asked ow hawe twacker issues!",
"text": "Enyabwe ow disabwe demeowing featuwes fow the pwogwam. Using wogging mode 'Awl nibbles (!!!)' wiww cause huge wog fiwes and wag, onwy use if asked ow hawe twacker issues!",
"writeToFile": "Wwite 2 wog fiwes",
"bypassPortLimit": "Bypass powt wimit",
"loggingMode": {
"title": "Wogging mode",
"minimal": "Minyimaw nibbles",
"extra": "Extwa nibbles",
"all": "Aww nibbles (!!!)"
"all": "Awl nibbles (!!!)"
"openLogsFolder": "Meow at wogs fowdew",
"openSupportPage": "Meow at suppowt page"
Expand All @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
"steps": {
"step-2": {
"title": "Automatic setup",
"text": "Automatic setup awwows u 2 wet the pwogwam twy 2 automaticawwy detect youw meowings and set itsewf up fow u. It is the easiest way 2 get stawted and suppowts aww twacker modews and connyection modes.<br /><br />It is wecommended (but nyot nyecessawy) 2 hawe at weast onye of youw twackers tuwnyed on befowe continyuing. When u awe weady, cwick the \"Nyext\" button."
"text": "Automatic setup awwows u 2 wet the pwogwam twy 2 automaticawwy detect youw meowings and set itsewf up fow u. It is the easiest way 2 get stawted and suppowts awltwacker modews and connyection modes.<br /><br />It is wecommended (but nyot nyecessawy) 2 hawe at weast onye of youw twackers tuwnyed on befowe continyuing. When u awe weady, cwick the \"Nyext\" button."
"step-3": {
"title": "Cat-detection",
Expand All @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
"step-5": {
"title": "SwimeVR connyection",
"text": "At this point, u wiww nyow want 2 connyect youw VR headset 2 youw PC - it's time 2 put on youw twackers! Make suwe youw twackers (and VR headset) awe connyected and pwess the \"Stawt connyection\" button 2 connyect them 2 the SwimeVR servew.",
"text2": "When u see aww youw twackers connyected abuv, check SwimeVR servew and accept aww \"A nyew twacker was found\" pop-ups. Cwick the \"Nyext\" button 2 continyue 2 the nyext step."
"text2": "When u see awlyouw twackers connyected abuv, check SwimeVR servew and accept awl\"A nyew twacker was found\" pop-ups. Cwick the \"Nyext\" button 2 continyue 2 the nyext step."
"step-6": {
"title": "Twacker assignment",
Expand All @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
"text": "U wiww nyow see a smaww tutowiaw on how 2 pewfowm \"wesets\" in SwimeVR. With SwimeTowa (awong with SwimeVR's buiwt-in tap-2-weset), u may pwess any of the buttons a nyumbew of times (within 0.5s) on youw twackers. See the wist fow the weset options:",
"list": {
"1": "1 pwess - yaw weset",
"2": "2 pwesses - fuww weset",
"2": "2 pwesses - fuwl weset",
"3": "3 pwesses - meowting weset",
"4": "4 pwesses - pause/unpause twacking"
Expand All @@ -217,18 +217,18 @@
"title": "When 2 weset",
"text": "Hewe awe the expwanyations of the thwee diffewent wesets and when they wouwd be used:",
"text2": "A <b>yaw</b> weset is the <b>onye u wiww use the most</b>, it ewiminyates most (if nyot aww) dwift on onye axis. This is wess accuwate but the fastest and most conwenyient. U onwy nyeed 2 stwaighten youw wimbs - this can ewen be used whiwe waying ow sitting down!",
"text3": "A <b>fuww</b> weset is the most accuwate and compwetewy wesets the skeweton in SwimeVR. U myust be standing up and stwaight whiwe doing this weset.",
"text4": "A <b>meowting</b> weset is used when the position of youw twackers hawe physicawwy muvd (ow meowting cawibwation is off). U myust be in a \"ski pose\" whiwe doing this weset.",
"caption1": "Fuww weset pose",
"text3": "A <b>fuwl</b> weset is the most accuwate and compwetewy wesets the skeweton in SwimeVR. U myust be standing up and stwaight whiwe doing this weset.",
"text4": "A <b>meowting</b> weset is used when the position of youw twackers hawe physicawwy muved (ow meowting cawibwation is off). U myust be in a \"ski pose\" whiwe doing this weset.",
"caption1": "Fuwl weset pose",
"caption2": "Meowting weset pose"
"step-10": {
"title": "Body pwopowtions",
"text": "SwimeVR appwies youw body pwopowtions on a wiwtuaw skeweton fow accuwate twacking. Sewect \"Automatic pwopowtions\" and fowwow the on-scween instwuctions cawibwate by fowwowing a set of muvments. <b>U onwy nyeed 2 do this once and is awso optionyaw!</b>\r\n\r\nIf u hawe issues, u can awways wetwy ow use the defauwts (\"Weset aww pwopowtions\")."
"text": "SwimeVR appwies youw body pwopowtions on a wiwtuaw skeweton fow accuwate twacking. Sewect \"Automatic pwopowtions\" and fowwow the on-scween instwuctions cawibwate by fowwowing a set of muvments. <b>U onwy nyeed 2 do this once and is awso optionyaw!</b>\r\n\r\nIf u hawe issues, u can awways wetwy ow use the defauwts (\"Weset awlpwopowtions\")."
"step-11": {
"title": "Wewaunching SwimeVR",
"text": "When wewaunching SwimeVR, pewfowm a \"Fuww Weset\" and then a \"Meowting Weset\" befowe cawibwating in-game. <strong>Again, u do nyot hawe 2 pewfowm the pwopowtions cawibwation again - it is onwy donye once!</strong> Make suwe 2 wefew 2 the SwimeTowa wiki ow watch videwos on how 2 get the best fwom SwimeVR - ZWock35 is a gweat pewson 2 watch!",
"text": "When wewaunching SwimeVR, pewfowm a \"Fuwl Weset\" and then a \"Meowting Weset\" befowe cawibwating in-game. <strong>Again, u do nyot hawe 2 pewfowm the pwopowtions cawibwation again - it is onwy donye once!</strong> Make suwe 2 wefew 2 the SwimeTowa wiki ow watch videwos on how 2 get the best fwom SwimeVR - ZWock35 is a gweat pewson 2 watch!",
"watch": "Watch cawibwation videwo"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
"slimevrNotFound": {
"title": "SwimeVR nyot found",
"message": "SwimeVR servew does nyot seem 2 be wunnying, make suwe it is wunnying and westawt the connyection. If it is awweady wunnying & youw twackers awe connyected, this is safe 2 ignyowe."
"message": "SwimeVR servew does nyot seem 2 be wunning, make suwe it is wunning and westawt the connyection. If it is awweady wunning & youw twackers awe connyected, this is safe 2 ignyowe."
"comPortsMissing": {
"title": "COM powts missing",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,12 +305,12 @@
"onboarding": {
"unix": {
"title": "Unyix detected",
"message": "It seems u awe wunnying SwimeTowa on a Unyix-based system, some extwa setup is wequiwed befowe continyuing.\r\n\r\nThe SwimeTowa wiki wiww open aftew this diawog 2 guide u thwough the nyecessawy steps."
"title": "ARCH USER DETECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",
"message": "It seems u awe wunning SwimeTowa on a Unyix-wike system, some extwa setup is wequiwed befowe continyuing.\r\n\r\nThe SwimeTowa wiki wiww open aftew this diawog 2 guide u thwough the nyecessawy steps."
"complete": {
"title": "Onboawding compwete!",
"message": "SwimeTowa has been successfuwwy set up! U can awways weopen the onboawding scween in the pwogwam meowings. Aftew this diawog, the pwogwam wiww open the wiki page fow u 2 wead mowe infowmation.\r\n\r\nEnjyoy!"
"message": "SwimeTowa has been successfuwly set up! U can awways weopen the onboawding scween in the pwogwam meowings. Aftew this diawog, the pwogwam wiww open the wiki page fow u 2 wead mowe infowmation.\r\n\r\nEnjyoy!"
"autodetect": {
Expand All @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
"success": {
"title": "Auto-detect compweted!",
"message": "Auto-detect compweted successfuwwy. Wemembew this may nyot be accuwate, so pwease wewiew the meowings that hawe been appwied bewow: {settings}"
"message": "Auto-detect compweted successfuwly. Wemembew this may nyot be accuwate, so pwease wewiew the meowings that hawe been appwied bewow: {settings}"
"failed": {
"title": "Auto-detect faiwed!",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
"fixTrackers": {
"title": "Fix bwoken twackers meow",
"message": "Fow as wong as this diawog box is open, this featuwe wiww attempt 2 fix youw hawd-bwicked GX(6/2) twackers if they awe boot wooping (tuwnying off immediatewy aftew being powewed on). This wowks by wepeatedwy sending a \"set settings\" command 2 wemuv the powew-off fwag.\r\n\r\nAttempt 2 keep tuwnying on youw twackers untiw they stay on, then cwose this diawog when they awe fixed. If youw twackers awe stiww nyot wowking, pwease wefew 2 the suppowt page.\r\n\r\nAftew pewfowming this, youw settings wiww weset 2 the fowwowing:\r\nSensow mode: 2\r\nFPS: 50\r\nSensow auto cowwection: accew"
"message": "Fow as wong as this diawog box is open, this featuwe wiww attempt 2 fix youw hawd-bwicked GX(6/2) twackers if they awe boot-wooping (tuwnying off immediatewy aftew being powewed on). This wowks by wepeatedwy sending a \"set settings\" command 2 wemuv the powew-off fwag.\r\n\r\nAttempt 2 keep tuwnying on youw twackers untiw they stay on, then cwose this diawog when they awe fixed. If youw twackers awe stiww nyot wowking, pwease wefew 2 the suppowt page.\r\n\r\nAftew pewfowming this, youw settings wiww weset 2 the fowwowing:\r\nSensow mode: 2\r\nFPS: 50\r\nSensow auto cowwection: accew"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/languages/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
"onboarding": {
"unix": {
"title": "Unix detected",
"message": "It seems you are running SlimeTora on a Unix-based system, some extra setup is required before continuing.\r\n\r\nThe SlimeTora wiki will open after this dialog to guide you through the necessary steps."
"message": "It seems you are running SlimeTora on a Unix-like system, some extra setup is required before continuing.\r\n\r\nThe SlimeTora wiki will open after this dialog to guide you through the necessary steps."
"complete": {
"title": "Onboarding complete!",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
"fixTrackers": {
"title": "Fix trackers",
"message": "For as long as this dialog box is open, this feature will attempt to fix your soft-bricked GX(6/2) trackers if they are boot looping (turning off immediately after being powered on). This works by repeatedly sending a \"set settings\" command to remove the power-off flag.\r\n\r\nAttempt to keep turning on your trackers until they stay on, then close this dialog when they are fixed. If your trackers are still not working, please refer to the support page.\r\n\r\nAfter performing this, your settings will reset to the following:\r\nSensor mode: 2\r\nFPS: 50\r\nSensor auto correction: accel"
"message": "For as long as this dialog box is open, this feature will attempt to fix your soft-bricked GX(6/2) trackers if they are boot-looping (turning off immediately after being powered on). This works by repeatedly sending a \"set settings\" command to remove the power-off flag.\r\n\r\nAttempt to keep turning on your trackers until they stay on, then close this dialog when they are fixed. If your trackers are still not working, please refer to the support page.\r\n\r\nAfter performing this, your settings will reset to the following:\r\nSensor mode: 2\r\nFPS: 50\r\nSensor auto correction: accel"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ ipcMain.on("set-server-port", (_event, arg) => {

ipcMain.on("fix-trackers", async () => {
log("Fixing soft-bricked (power cycling) trackers...", "connection");
log("Fixing soft-bricked (boot-looping) trackers...", "connection");

const ports: ActivePorts = device.getComInstance().getActivePorts();
// Sensor mode 2, 50 FPS, Accel sensor auto correction, ankle disabled
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/static/js/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ window.turnOffTrackers = () => {

window.fixTrackers = () => {
window.log("Fixing soft-bricked (power cycling) trackers...");
window.log("Fixing soft-bricked (boot-looping) trackers...");
window.ipc.send("fix-trackers", null);

// Reset settings
Expand Down

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