If you have an idea on how to improve this project: feel free to start a discussion
Thanks go to the author of hackitu.de for sharing his knowledge about this topic.
If you don't care about the License restrictions - you may get data of better quality by using the free IPInfo or MaxMind databases. In comparison with these - the database provided by this project has pretty much NO usage restrictions.
Also check out our Risk-Database.
IP to ASN:
- BGP routing data (https://thyme.apnic.net/.combined/ or https://bgp.nsrc.org/REN/.combined/)
ASN information:
Data is updated daily.
Note: Databases in MMDB format might be faster and cheaper to query.
- IPv4 Stripped in MMDB format (recommended)
- IPv4 Full in MMDB format
- IPv4 Stripped in JSON format
- IPv4 Full in JSON format
- IPv6 Stripped in MMDB format
- IPv6 Full in MMDB format
- IPv6 Stripped in JSON format
- IPv6 Full in JSON format
- Without token: 2 Downloads per IP & day
- With token: 5 Downloads per IP & day
# IP to ASN
curl -XGET https://geoip.oxl.app/api/ip/
# ASN Lookup
curl -XGET https://geoip.oxl.app/api/asn/13335
Without token:
- 500 Requests per IP & 10 min
- 5000 Requests per IP & day
- Anti-DOS
With token:
- 5000 Requests per IP & 10 min
- Anti-DOS
If you want to get a (free) token for your systems - feel free to contact us at: [email protected]
Free to use.
If you are nice, you can optionally mention that you use this IP data:
<p>IP address data powered by <a href="https://geoip.oxl.app">OXL</a></p>