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3 7 Deployment Test Plan

claycompton edited this page Feb 25, 2014 · 1 revision

·         #1917
Small bugs in 'nucmd package delete' command

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 3 days ago

Pull Request #1: Fixed NuGet/NuGetGallery#1917 by fixing up the little bugs


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·         Delete the "ng-backups" container, verify new one is created on execution of 'nucmd package delete'.

·         Verify successive executions of command run without error.

·         Edit package before deletion, verify successful deletion of blob and snapshots.

·         Delete unedited package, verify successful deletion.

·         Call with an environment specified

·         Call with an environment and parameters that agree with default env settings

·         Call with an environment and parameters that contradict default env settings

·         Call without being in an environment but with valid parameters

·         Call without being in an environment and without required parameters, verify useful error message.


·         #1914
Bug in FindPackagesByOwner when a registration with no packages is encountered

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 4 days ago

Pull Request #1915: Fix #1914 by filtering out null values


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·         Verify that the nuget test account shows the correct result in the Manage My Packages page.

·         Create a package, upload and delete multiple versions, verify no error when navigating versions or account settings.


·         #1913
Change TransferBackupPackages to use Storage Legacy as the source and Storage Backup as the destination

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by deepakaravindr 4 days ago

Pull Request #4: Change TransferBackupPackages to use Storage Legacy as the source and St...


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·         Invoke, verify successful messages are getting logged from this job.

·         Invoke, verify packages are getting copied to the legacy backup storage.

·         Spot-check package blobs at destination for data integrity.


(New Job)


·         #1904
Change Package Backup Process

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 5 days ago

·         1 comment


·         #1920
Add connection timeout to connection string created by 'nucmd db createuser'

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 3 days ago


Pull Request #2: Fix NuGet/NuGetGallery#1904 by changing the default destination for backups


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·         Verify successful messages are getting logged from this job.

·         Verify new package blobs are periodically getting backed up to the legacy container.

·         Error handling:

·         Verify processing of packages that have had their versions normalized programmatically.

·         Verify processing of packages that have been edited by their owners.

·         Discovery of error when using a bad/mistyped SQL connection string.

·         Discovery of error when using a bad/mistyped storage connection strings.

·         Interrupted copy


·         #1901
CreateOnlineDatabaseBackupJob throws if TargetDatabase is null

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 5 days ago



·         Verify successful messages are getting logged from this job.

·         Verify new backup databases are getting created periodically.

·         Invoke without targetdatabase in payload, verify default db callback

·         Error handling:

·         Discovery of error when using a bad/mistyped SQL connection string.

·         Recovery from an interrupted backup

(Direct check-in; no PR)

·         #1900
Add some ops-related NuCmds

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 5 days ago

·         1 comment


·          Delete Package Version

o    Delete package with no other versions, verify package deletion.

o    Delete package with no other versions, verify package Id is no longer reserved.

o    Delete version of package with other versions, verify deletion,

o    Delete version of package with other versions, verify other versions are unaffected.

o    Delete package with no other versions, verify package Id is still reserved.

·          Delete Package Registration

o    Delete registration, verify id is no longer reserved.

o    Verify handling when package uploads exist.

·          Get/set data in secret store

o    Add various kinds of secrets (certificates, passwords, connection strings, etc.) in each environment, verify:

o    Retrieval of secrets across user sessions in console

o    No cross-pollution of secrets between environments

o    Deletion

(Direct check-in; no PR)

·         #1725
In most browsers, users can get around block on reporting package bugs using the Prev and Next buttons. External Contribution

·         Opened by claycompton 4 months ago


·         Verify original repro scenario

·         Re-visit javascript validation scenarios on pages

·         Verify for Contact Support, Contact Owners, Report Abuse.

·         Browser Support

·         Accessibility spot-check


·         #30
Need a PackageRef constructor that takes in package-id, version and hash alone and not LastEdited

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by deepakaravindr 6 days ago

·         1 comment

Issue #1897: Need a PackageRef constructor that takes in package-id, version and hash alone and not LastEdited

Pull Request #3: Fixes NuGet/NuGetGallery#1897 - Added a PackageRefConstructor


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(No user scenario here.)

·         #26
Before processing DataSource, remove prefix 'tcp:' in Jobs like ExportDatabaseJob

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by deepakaravindr 7 days ago

·         1 comment

Issue #1899: Before processing DataSource, remove prefix 'tcp:' in Jobs like ExportDatabaseJob



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·         Invoke ExportDatabase with and without "tcp:" in the DB connection string, verify success in both cases.

·         Invoke ImportDatabase with and without "tcp:" in the DB connection string, verify success in both cases.

·         Invoke SyncPackagesFromBackup with and without "tcp:" in the DB connection string, verify success in both cases.



·         #19
Schedule the Disaster recovery jobs in all the environment and in the right DC as appropriate

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by deepakaravindr 11 days ago

·         1 comment


·         #1903
Schedule the Disaster recovery jobs in all the environment and in the right DC as appropriate

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by anurse 5 days ago

·         1 comment




(No PR, but includes a work item for QA)

·         #18
Job to Update Backup container in failover with Backup container in primary

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by deepakaravindr 11 days ago

Pull Request #20: Fixes #18: Added UpdateBackupWithBackupJob


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·         Verify successful messages get logged from this job.

·         Invoke, verify new package uploads are copied to failover DC

·         Invoke, verify new package versions are copied to failover DC

·         Invoke, verify edited package blobs are overwritten in failover dc

·         Delete from source storage, verify sync behavior

·         Delete and re-upload a package, verify sync behavior

·         Verify with time zone differences

(This and SyncPackagesInFailoverDC are very similar; should they have been merged?)

·         #17
Sync Packages With Backup Job

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by deepakaravindr 11 days ago

Pull Request #14: Added SyncPackagesInFailoverDC job


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·         Verify successful messages get logged from this job.

·         Invoke, verify new package uploads are copied to failover DC

·         Invoke, verify new package versions are copied to failover DC

·         Invoke, verify edited package blobs are overwritten in failover dc

·         Delete from source storage, verify sync behavior

·         Delete and re-upload a package, verify sync behavior

·         Verify with time zone differences


·         #15
Minor connection string issues in Export/Import database

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by anurse 11 days ago


·         #12
Export/Import Database Jobs - Disaster Recovery process for APIv3

Deepak Aravindakshan

·         Opened by anurse 14 days ago

·         1 comment


Pull Request #16: Fix #15 by using GetConnectionString helper.


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Merged with master: 49f4bcd


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ExportDatabaseJob (new in this deployment):

·         Invoke, verify successful messages are getting logged from this job.

·         Verify periodic fresh backups are showing up in the Destination.

·         Restore, verify data integrity in the backup.

·         Invoke with custom TargetDatabase, verify contents of backed-up database after completion

·         Invoke with custom DestinationStorage, verify bacpac post-completion

·         Verify first run scenario without an existing backup

·         Error handling:

·         Discovery of error when using a bad/mistyped storage connection string

·         Interrupted backup

·         Verify experience when bacpac file already exists.


ImportDatabaseJob (new in this deployment):

·         Invoke, verify successful messages are getting logged from this job.

·         Invoke with a bacpac file, verify integrity of imported data in destination db

·         Invoke without a bacpac file, verify latest successful backup is restored.

·         Invoke with and without default endpoints specified, confirm behavior and default value of Blue Ridge

·         Error handling:

·         Discovery of error if bad/mistyped primary connection string

·         Importing an already-existing db

·         Interrupted restore