Small plugin for base classes reacting to IObservables using UniRx.
- Provides two base classes for UniRx: Reactor and Presenter which provide functionality which was removed from UniRx some versions ago.
- Short fluent API
- Supports Unity.TextMeshPro
- Supports Unity UI Elements (TextField, Slider, Toggle, ...)
These base classes can be used as architecture cornerstones in a reactive application:
- All Controllers and Systems inherit from Reactor and while providing reactive interfaces themself, which then are bound by their clients
- All Views inherit from Presenter which allows to react to Controllers
public class MyClass : Reactor // Non-MonoBehaviour
public class MyClass : Presenter // MonoBehaviour
// When IObservable emits the MethodGroup will be called
var subject = new Subject(); // Some IObservable
Bind(subject).To(MethodGroup); // Short API
// When IObservable<Unit> emits SomeMethod(unit) will be called
var subject = new Subject<Unit>(); // Some IObservable<Unit>
Bind(subject).To(unit => SomeMethod(unit)); // SomeMethod(Unit unit);
These classes provide implementations for IList and IDictionar<TK,TV> and provide operation granularity observables (Add, Remove, ...). Use them as a replacement for List and Dictionary<TK,TV> whenever you require to subscribe to operations on those.
private readonly RxList<int> values = new RxList<int>();
private readonly RxMap<int,int> values = new RxMap<int,int>();
These classes allow to expose a different observable (e.g. a read only view on a mutable list) as the one used internally.
private readonly RxList<int> values = new RxList<int>();
public readonly RxListSignalReadOnly<int> ValuesChanged => values.AsSignal().AsReadOnly();
- A watch exposes fine granularity on operation level observables and all underlying methods will propagate elements.
- A signal exposes the more general observer pattern approach and allows ot do many changes and signal only once. A signal will never fire on it's own and needs to be triggered manually via
- Import the noxrx-version.unitypackage
- Move the folder NoxRx/* folder to any assembly linked to any other you intend to use it from or create an asmdef and reference it
- e.g. Plugins/* if you do not use assembly definitions
- UniRx
- Unity.TextMeshPro
This project is intented for personal use only at the moment and is provided AS IS. Use it at your own risk. If others find it helpful - great, if not, just as good.