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A couple of functions to help with front-end Form Validation


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A bunch of form input validation functions we made because we thought they'd be useful :)

jQuery plugin for this coming soon!

The form we use from the demo is from the forms section Jay Patel's Web-Components Page. You can also visit the GitHub repo for the Web-Components.

You may find the functions in DEMO/ValidationResultHandlers.js useful if you plan on using the forms from Jay Patel's Web-Components page

The Files

  • validators.min.js contains all the validator functions compressed into one file
  • You can find individually compressed validator functions in the Individually Compressed JS folder
  • And of course, the uncompresssed validator functions are in the Uncompressed JS folder
  • DEMO/view.js, DEMO/view.html and DEMO/validationResultHandlers.js - are the files you're going to want to check for the demo

The Validator Functions

All functions return objects, except stringMatcher(...).

The isSuccess property of this object will let you determine if validation was successful or not.

Some returned objects also contain an err property which provides a number pertaining to a type of error. To figure out what each number means, see below

Jump to a function File the function is in
charCounter(...) charCounter.js
emailValidator(...) email.js
fileValidator(...) file.js
fullNameValidator(...) name.js
firstOrLastNameValidator(...) name.js
passwordValidator(...) password.js
stringMatcher(...) password.js
urlValidator(...) url.js

charCounter(txt, min, max, ignSpace, ignLineBrs, toTrim) | charCounter.js

In the DEMO we use this for validating a textarea containing a description

  • 'txt': string is the txt to count on
  • 'min, max': integer are the minimum and maximum limits of the text
    • pass a falsey value in either if no limit in that category (ex. pass false for min if no minimum)
  • 'ignSpace': boolean if you would like to ignore spaces from the character count, pass true
  • 'ignLineBrs': boolean if you would like to ignore line breaks from the character count, pass true
  • 'toTrim': boolean if you would like the function to trim spaces before counting characters, pass true

If error, there will be an err property passed in the object returned

  • If charCounter(...).err == 0, that means character count is less than the minimum specified
  • If charCounter(...).err == 1, that means character count is more than the maximum specified

emailValidator(email) | email.js

*Note this sort of validation is just for aesthetics if you would like to actually validate it, you can do it through services like

  • 'email': string is the email string to be validated

This function does not give any error details (no err property in the object returned)

fileValidator(file, minSize, maxSize, fileType) | file.js

For validating file objects

  • 'file': file object can be passed by $('fileSelector')[0].files[0]
    • note .files returns an array, you will have to test one file at a time
    • 'minSize, maxSize': integer limits in bytes
    • set minSize and/or maxSize to falsey values if no min/max respectively
    • ex. for no min, but 3mb do: fileValidator(file, false, 3145728, false);
    • 'fileType': string OR array
    • Pass falsey value for any file type
    • If you are passing a string, you are limited to the following presets 'image', 'text', 'pdf'
      • we just validate against the most common image extensions or text file extensions or .pdf extension depending on which string you've passed
    • If you would like to enter a list of custom file extensions to validate against, pass an array of strings with the custom extensions
      • You can also pass 'image', 'text' and/or 'pdf' in the array if you would like to test against these presets as well
      • This will let you combine presets with each other or with custom extensions as well
      • *Example of array being passed: * fileValidator(file, false, 3145728, ['text', 'xls', 'ppt']);
        • This validates against .xls, .ppt as well as common text file extensions doc|docx|log|pages|rtf|txt|wpd|wps|msg|odt|tex

If error, there will be an err property passed in the object returned

  • If fileValidator(...).err == 0, that means the file size is less than the minimum specified
  • If fileValidator(...).err == 1, that means the file size is greater than the maximum specified
  • If fileValidator(...).err == 2, that means the file extension does not match the extensions specified

fullNameValidator(fullName) | name.js

It's often good to not check the name much at all, as it's tough to make assumptions but this very leniently tests for names and makes sure there is more than one word entered -- no international support (with unicode)

  • 'fullName': string the string of the full name to be tested

This function does not give any error details (no err property in the object returned)

firstOrLastNameValidator(input) | name.js

It's often good to not check the name much at all, as it's tough to make assumptions but this very leniently tests for names and makes sure there is only one word entered -- no international support (with unicode)

  • 'input': string the string of the first or last name to be tested

If error, there will be an err property passed in the object returned

  • If firstOrLastNameValidator(...).err == 0, that means there was more than one word entered
  • If firstOrLastNameValidator(...).err == 1, that means the string failed regex test (numbers in name, etc)

passwordValidator(password, min, max, limSpChars, requirements) | password.js

This lets you customisably validate an entered password

  • 'password': string is the password to validate on
  • 'min, max': integer are the minimum and maximum limits of the text, pass false in either if no limit on that respective end
  • 'limSpChars': boolean if you would like to only allow use of ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ as alpha numeric chars, pass true
  • 'requirements': array of booleans -->
  • [0]: if true, pw must contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter
  • [1]: if true, pw must contain at least one number
  • [2]: if true, pw must contain at least on non-alphanumeric character
  • [3]: if true, pw must not contain spaces

If error, there will be an err property passed in the object returned

  • If passwordValidator(...).err == 0, password fails min char requirement
  • If passwordValidator(...).err == 1, password fails max char requirement
    • If passwordValidator(...).err == 2, password contains special characters outside of ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _
    • If passwordValidator(...).err == 3, password does not contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter
    • If passwordValidator(...).err == 4, password does not contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter
    • If passwordValidator(...).err == 5, password does not contain at least one non-alphanumeric
    • If passwordValidator(...).err == 6, password contains spaces

stringMatcher(strArr) | password.js

Pass an array of strings and this just checks if all the strings match each other. In the DEMO, we use this for the password confirmation input. This returns a boolean. Not the isSuccess object

Make sure you pass at least two strings in the function.

This function does not give any error details (no err property in the object returned)

urlValidator(url) | url.js

A url validator

  • 'url': string is the url to validate on

This function does not give any error details (no err property in the object returned)


Let me know if we've made any oversights while validating, mistakes in the code or if you have improvement ideas. Constructive feedback is always welcome :)


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A couple of functions to help with front-end Form Validation







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