This is a demo of the JavaScript Nillion Client working with payments connected to nillion-devnet or the Nillion Testnet.
- This uses a proxy /nilchain-proxy set up in the webpack that targets the json rpc from your .env file
- A Nillion config is in the nillion.ts file. This config reads environment variables from your .env file, which can either point to Testnet or nillion-devnet values
First, install the Nillion SDK and nilup if you haven't
curl | bash
Install the latest
version of nillion-devnet to pull the latest updated versions SDK tools including the latest nillion-devnet, and optionally enable telemetry
nilup install latest
nilup use latest
nilup instrumentation enable --wallet <your-eth-wallet-address>
Run the devnet using any seed (the example uses "my-seed") so the cluster id, websockets, and other environment variables stay constant even when you restart nillion-devnet.
nillion-devnet --seed my-seed
You will see an output like this:
nillion-devnet --seed my-seed
ℹ️ cluster id is 222257f5-f3ce-4b80-bdbc-0a51f6050996
ℹ️ using 256 bit prime
ℹ️ storing state in /var/folders/1_/2yw8krkx5q5dn2jbhx69s4_r0000gn/T/.tmpU00Jbm (62.14Gbs available)
🏃 starting nilchain node in: /var/folders/1_/2yw8krkx5q5dn2jbhx69s4_r0000gn/T/.tmpU00Jbm/nillion-chain
⛓ nilchain JSON RPC available at
⛓ nilchain gRPC available at localhost:26649
🏃 starting node 12D3KooWMGxv3uv4QrGFF7bbzxmTJThbtiZkHXAgo3nVrMutz6QN
⏳ waiting until bootnode is up...
🏃 starting node 12D3KooWKkbCcG2ujvJhHe5AiXznS9iFmzzy1jRgUTJEhk4vjF7q
🏃 starting node 12D3KooWMgLTrRAtP9HcUYTtsZNf27z5uKt3xJKXsSS2ohhPGnAm
👛 funding nilchain keys
📝 nillion CLI configuration written to /Users/steph/Library/Application Support/nillion.nillion/config.yaml
🌄 environment file written to /Users/steph/Library/Application Support/nillion.nillion/nillion-devnet.env
Copy the path printed after "🌄 environment file written to" and open the file
vim "/Users/steph/Library/Application Support/nillion.nillion/nillion-devnet.env"
This file has the nillion-devnet generated values for cluster id, websocket, json rpc, and private key. You'll need to put these in your local .env in one of the next steps so that your cra-nillion demo app connects to the nillion-devnet.
To connect your blind app to the Nillion Testnet, replace .env values with the Testnet Config
git clone
cd cra-nillion
Copy the up the .env.example file to a new .env and set up these variables to match the nillion environment file
cp .env.example .env
Update your newly created .env with environment variables outout in your terminal by nillion-devnet
# replace with values from nillion-devnet or for Nillion Testnet
Install dependencies and start the demo project.
npm install
npm start
- Open http://localhost:8080 to see the "Nillion Operations" page where you can connect with different user key and node keys, store secrets, update secrets, retrieve secrets, and store programs
- Open http://localhost:8080/compute to see the "Nillion Blind Computation Demo" page where you can run a full blind computation flow.