JavaFX application for splitting bills between users. Project for Database and JavaFX UI integration
Once you clone this project using Git or downloading it from zip, load the maven project to retrieve all dependencies. Or use your IDE maven manager.
mvn clean install -U
In the root folder of the project create your .env file for setting database connection variables. Since this project is made with Oracle XE database, you should keep in mind that some integrations could not work with other DBMS.
DB_USERNAME=your_username DB_PASSWORD=your_password DB_URI=url_for_db
As can be seen in the pom.xml file, the maven-shade-plugin is in charge of creating the final .jar after running a mvn package. This plugin will embed all JavaFX, JDBC and Dotenv dependencies in a single runnable jar that can be run in any platform.
This final jar will be created in the target directory that is ignored for this repo.
mvn clean mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
The cleanning and packaging process can be done with your IDE tools, specially proved with IntelliJ Idea.