A dotfiles setup for Hyprland. Personal but easy to set up.
Not recommended for existing configurations.
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This repository contains Arch Linux's DotFiles, which I use on a daily basis.
It includes custom settings, aliases, settings for familiar tools, and more to quickly create my ideal work environment on any machine.
- OS: Arch Linux 💥
- WM: hyprland 🪟
- Shell: zsh / starship 🐚
- Terminal Emulator: kitty 🐱
- Panel: AGS 🍧
- Text Editor: neovim / geany ⌨️
- App Launcher: AGS 🚀
- File Manager: yazi / Thunar 📂
- Browser: firefox 🌐
- Colorscheme: adw 🎨
├─ 📁 assets
│ └─ screenshot fonts
├─ 📁 config
│ └─ configuration directory
├─ 📁 misc
│ └─ bins/scripts
├─ 📁 wallpapers
└─ wallpapers used for hyprland
Setup script execution flow:
1. **Environment confirmation**:
- Ask user for confirmation before starting script
- Perform a system check
- Check your internet connection
- Check git installation
- Check the VM environment
- Check NVIDIA usage
2. **AUR installation**:
- Installing paru (AUR helper)
3. **Software installation**:
- Show package installation steps
- Display installation results for each package
4. **Copy settings**:
- copy zsh dotfiles
- Copy other config files
5. **Enabling the service**:
- Start Bluetooth service
- Enabling SDDM service
- Start powerprofile daemon
6. **Theme settings**:
- Set GTK and icon themes
- Fixed configuration file to enable theme
7. **Change Shell**:
- Change default shell to Zsh
8. **File permission settings**:
- Give execution permission to some script files
9. **Other settings**:
- Perform non-critical actions such as creating necessary directories
- Synchronize dotfiles
- 🕶️ Dark Mode for the Whole System
- 🔔 Notification Center
- 🖼️ Various Wallpapers
- 🤓 Nerd Fonts for the Shell Prompt
- 📱 App Launcher
- ⌨️ Multiple Keyboard Layouts
- 🚗 Automatic mount of USB devices with notification
- 🔒 Idle and lock apps
- 📂 Following XDG Base Directory Standard
- 🧹 Organized and cleaned up config files
- ☝️ Screenshot, Clipboard and Wallpaper Picker
- 💥 Performance Mode
- ⚙️ Various other tweaks & scripts
- 🎨 Autogenerated Colors
- 🪟 Fluid Animations
- ✨ Ripple Effects
Windows + Enter: Open Terminal
Windows + E: Thunar File Manager
Windows + D: Application Launcher
Windows + C: Close Program
Windows + W: Wallpaper Picker
Windows + Space: Change Screen Layout Style
PrtSc: Taking Screentshot
Windows + F3: Change Keyboard Layout
Windows + Slash: For Keybinds
Other keybinds can be found in ~/dotfiles/hypr/UserConfigs/UserKeybinds.conf
or in ~/dotfiles/hypr/configs/Keybinds.conf
- Using ArchInstall Script Install Archlinux on bare metal.
- After Booting into HyprLand, Open terminal and install Aur Helper called Paru
Please clone the repo in home
git clone -b AGS
cd hyprland
chmod +x setup
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Thank you for your support as well🦊