You have no idea what an vector or matrix is, but you want to give your users some nice effects with particles? No problem. this library comes with a load of effects for you. It handles rotation, text-parsing, and creation of 3D objects with particles in Minecraft.
- Text-Parsing
- 3D cubes, spheres, stars and others
- 2D arcs, lines and many more!
- Entity effects that enhance every game
Find more information on [BukkitForums] forum or [BukkitDev] dev!
Note that this library is no standalone plugin! You have to create yourself a plugin to run the effects!
1.3 Release
EffectLib uses some third party libraries from other Bukkit developers.
- [ParticleEffect v1.4] particleeffect
- [ReflectionHandler v1.0] reflectionhandler
Free Software, Hell Yeah!