혼자서 게임 개발, 유튜브, 작곡, 그림 활동을 하고 있는 장경혁tv입니다.
I'm JkhTV (a.k.a. Development Art TV) and I work alone on Game Development, YouTube, Composition, and Drawing.
In Development(개발 중)
- Growing Town V2(Private)
- Animals & People(Private)
- Black & White World
- What Shape
- N5(Private)
- LUX Console Engine
Development Stop(개발 중단)
- Dots Game(Private)
- Strategy Survival Embattle Mobile Agent(Private)
- Volt Survival Game
- Virtual Reality Multi Box World(Private)
- Iseri Akiro Life
- Small Island Life(Private)
- YoRoTo
- Energy School
- Hello RPG
- Re Dot Empty Two
- Space Out
- Abiwobi
- World(Private)
- Tristone
- Hunting Challenge(Private)
- Death Life
- Room & Logic
- Action Maker
- Green Treaty
- Open World
- Chess
- Yuki(Private)
- Wind Lift
- Virtual Area
- Natty OS
- Hanja
- Soundy
- Share Youur Code(Private)
- New Live
- New Computer
- My Home
- Triangle
- Daily Planner