This package is adopted from, 9.12.2022
This package is an adoption of the Plexon's "PyPL2" Python scripts to read data from Plexon's PL2(TM) file format.
The aim is to make the package usable with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.6 (and above).
The unchanged original .py files are included in the initial commit.
Please be aware that the original files are copyright protected! The following statement, copied from the original
file, however, allows to modify and share the files.
(c) 2016 Plexon, Inc., Dallas, Texas
This software is provided as-is, without any warranty. You are free to modify or share this file, provided that the above copyright notice is kept intact.
Note: It is not completely clear, to which extend this copyright notice extends to the provided DLLs. It may be necessary to distribute those files separately.
- Original files were downloaded from Plexon's homepage on 2018-05-07
Direct link to zip: OmniPlex and MAP Offline SDK Bundle
The following ZIP and PDF files are included with this bundle: C++ PL2 Offline Files; Python PL2 Offline Files; MATLAB Offline Files; PL2 File System Overview.pdf; PLX and DDT Offline Files Post date May 25, 2016