is a C++ software package to compute Matrix Element weights. Designed in a modular way, it covers the needs of experimental analysis workflows at the LHC.
's source is distributed on GitHub and is a product of the MoMEMta
development team.
docker pull neubauergroup/momemta-python:latest
docker run --rm -it neubauergroup/momemta-python:latest
No LHAPDF PDF sets are included in the Docker image by default.
To download LHAPDF PDF sets for use, use the lhapdf get
$ lhapdf --help
usage: lhapdf [-h] [--listdir LISTDIR] [--pdfdir PDFDIR] [--source SOURCES] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--version] COMMAND [suboptions]
A program for managing LHAPDF parton distribution function data files.
The main sub-commands that can be used are:
- list|ls: list available PDF sets, optionally filtered and/or categorised by status
- show: show metadata details of specified PDF sets
- update: download and install a new PDF set index file
- install|get: download and install new PDF set data files
- upgrade: download and install newer replacement PDF set data files where available
positional arguments:
COMMAND [suboptions] Subcommand to run
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--listdir LISTDIR Directory containing the lhapdf.index list file [default: /usr/local/share/LHAPDF]
--pdfdir PDFDIR Directory for installation of PDF set data [default: /usr/local/share/LHAPDF]
--source SOURCES Prepend a path or URL to be used as a source of data files [default: ['/cvmfs/', '']]
--quiet Suppress normal messages
--verbose Output debug messages
--version show program's version number and exit
$ lhapdf get CT10nlo
$ lhapdf show CT10nlo | grep ID
LHAPDF ID: 11000
$ find /usr/local/ -iname ""
A complete list of available LHAPDF PDF sets is available on the LHAPDF website.
To run the MoMEMta TTbar_FullyLeptonic
tutorial (compute weights under the hypothesis of top quark pair production with fully leptonic decay) either run
make test
or the equivalent following command
docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD neubauergroup/momemta-python:latest 'bash tests/'