ModernUI Form is a library that makes your .Net Windows Form Application look like ModernUI window in Win8/8.1 and Win10.
It's frameless, border customizable. You could set border size, border color and dropshadows. It redrews borders of stardard WinForm, and make a dropshadow around the window. You can set your form's border size and color, also you can set color of the dropshadow too.
.NET 4.6以及之后的版本微软为WinForm添加了原生的缩放支持,在app.config文件中加入一下代码即可开启原生的缩放支持。
<add key="DpiAwareness" value="PerMonitorV2"/>
<add key="EnableWindowsFormsHighDpiAutoResizing" value="true"/>
<application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
<dpiAwareness xmlns="">PerMonitorV2</dpiAwareness>
<dpiAware xmlns="">true</dpiAware>
- 最大化最小化之后内容错乱
- 设计器大小与实际大小不一致
- 初始的 WindowState 设置为 Maximized 时窗口位置错误
- FormBorderStyle设置为None是全屏窗口大小不正确
- Win7+系统下,拖拽窗口到桌面顶部最大化,还原时窗口位置错误
- 使用Borders属性替代了BorderWidth属性,现在可以使用Borders属性[Padding类型]来为窗体指定每条边框的大小
- 使用BorderColor属性替代了ActiveBorderColor和InactiveBorderColor属性,现在统一使用BorderColor属性设置边框颜色
- 使用ShadowColor属性替代了ActiveShaodowColor和InactiveShadowColor属性,现在统一使用ShadowColor属性设置窗体投影效果
- 移除了BorderEffect属性,现在只保留DropShadow一种投影模式,取消了Glow投影样式。
- Make ModernUI-like Forms for .Net Windows Form Applications.
- Full window animations support (Not just set FormBorderStyle to None).
- Fast draw the dropshadow around the form.
- Support Form Active/Inactive state.
PM> Install-Package NetDimension.WinForm.ModernUI
public partial class Form1 : ModernUIForm
public Form1()
Change properties in "UI" category to make your form style as your wish.
If you like my work, please buy me a cup of coffee to encourage me continue with this library.