Touhou Danmakufu ph3sx v.1.31a
This version breaks replay, common data, and .dat archive backwards compatibility.
Replaced the default script select backgrounds with a radder version. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Renamed GetShotIdAll to GetAllShotID.
Changed the text representation of script value types in error messages.
"real-array-array" -> "real[][]"
Script matrix functions can now take in a 4x4 array instead of only a 1x16 array previously.
The element type is also no longer limited to real.
Made setting ObjRender_SetEnableDefaultTransformMatrix to false still load the camera matrix.
Allowed multiple ObjSounds to independently stream the same sound file.
Shortened the module directory in Log messages of the LogWindow to "../".
Removed the behaviour where the 2D and 3D camera resets upon transitioning from the package scene to the stage scene.
Fog data is no longer split between package-level and stage-level scripts.
The default FPS counter no longer briefly appears when starting with package.script.main.
Maximizing the window now triggers fullscreen mode.
Objects now have separate tables each for string-indexed and int-indexed.
Improved support for particle list objects for older PCs.
Made it so that curvy lasers can be shortened. (Thanks to Naudiz)
ObjFileT_SplitLineText now splits from pattern rather than from a list of delimiters.
Reduced the float truncation epsilon. (0.01 -> 0.000001)
#include in shader source files now behaves like regular script includes.
Normal shot objects can now have multiple hitboxes again.
Change loose and curvy lasers behaviour when delay motion is enabled. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Additions :
Added missing function documentation for GetAllEnemyID.
Added an overload each for Rotate2D and Rotate3D, taking in the rotation origin point.
Expanded the variety of intersection-checking functions:
Added ReflectAngle and ReflectAngleR. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added Python-style reverse indexing of arrays. (Thanks to Naudiz)
See "New Scripting Features".
arr[-n] is equivalent to arr[length(arr) - n]
Also works in erase and insert.
Added replace and remove. (Thanks to Naudiz)
#ifdef, #ifndef, #else, and #endif preprocessor directives for scripts.
Several script macros were added:
SCRIPT_PACKAGE (defined in package-level scripts)
SCRIPT_STAGE (defined in stage-level scripts)
#define is not yet supported.
Added ObjItem_GetIntersectionEnable. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added ObjRender_GetColorHex, ObjPrim_GetVertexColorHex, and ObjCrLaser_GetNodeColorHex. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added ColorHexRGBtoHSV.
Added another event argument to EV_DELETE_SHOT_PLAYER.
Added a "Sound Memory" display to the Sound tab of the LogWindow.
Added INFO_IS_REQUIRE_ALL_DOWN to ObjEnemyBossScene_GetInfo. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added ObjEnemy_SetMaximumDamage and ObjEnemy_AddLifeEx.
Added ObjText_SetFixedWidth.
Added ObjText_GetText. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added ObjCrLaser_SetTipCapping, ObjCrLaser_GetNodeRenderWidth, and ObjCrLaser_SetNodeRenderWidth. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added overloads to ObjCrLaser_SetNode and ObjCrLaser_AddNode. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added ObjShot_SetFixedAngle and ObjShot_SetDelayAngularVelocity. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added SplitString2.
Added Obj_GetValueCount and Obj_GetValueCountI.
Added a progress bar to the FileArchiver.
Added an overload to SetStgFrame. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Added GetConfigVirtualKeyMapping and GetVirtualKeyMapping. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Bug fixes :
Fixed incorrect documentation of IsIntersected_Circle_RegularPolygon.
Fixed the Y shot intersection scale not functioning properly on loose lasers.
Fixed the engine crashing upon trying to parse an excess comma in function parameter lists.
Fixed type-checking bugs with array-index-assignment operations.
Fixed an issue where the parser would indefinitely hang upon trying to parse an ill-formed for-loop.
Fixed a bug where .wav files over 1MB large would get cut off at the end.
Fixed a bug where multiple streaming ObjSounds playing the same file would not function correctly.
Fixed ObjSound_IsPlaying returning false if called in the same frame of ObjSound_Play.
Fixed a bug where shot objects colliding with the player gets deleted before EV_HIT is notified.
Fixed GetShotIdInCircleA1 incorrectly returning player shot IDs instead of enemy shot IDs.
Fixed ObjShot_Regist in a player script returning null if IsPermitPlayerShot is true.
Fixed a bug where the shot object colliding with the player is deleted before the notification of EV_HIT.
Fixed off-centered shot and item graphics.
Fixed the game crashing upon trying to parse an ill-formed argument list in user shot/item data files.
Fixed a bug where 3D render objects drawn below the min STG frame render priority would get abnormally stretched out.
Fixed ObjMove_GetSpeedX/Y returning incorrect values for ObjMove_SetDestAtXXX functions.
Fixed the game crashing when setting ObjRender_SetEnableDefaultTransformMatrix to false for 3D objects.
Fixed incorrect conversion of A-movement to B-movement for ObjMove.
Fixed CreateItemU1/2 causing the created item to render at (0, 0) for a single frame. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Fixed ObjMove_AddPatternXX not working on move objects that do not have an existing movement pattern. (Thanks to Naudiz)
Fixed a rare bug with array initialization.
Fixed a bug where ObjShot_SetPenetration(obj, 0) would not notify EV_DELETE_SHOT_PLAYER.
Fixed a rare crash during enemy boss scene loading.
Fixed a bug where the game would freeze when trying to restart the stage scene in a package script while an enemy boss scene hasn't finished loading.
Fixed a rare crash with script object deletion.
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