Here we shall explore how SVD is performed using only top 4 left singular vectors. We shall use the MNIST dataset for this experiment.
This repository contains the code for a problem statement, which explores the application of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to an image classification problem using the MNIST dataset.
The MNIST dataset is a large collection of handwritten digits, commonly used for benchmarking machine learning algorithms. It contains 70,000 images, each of size 28x28 pixels, representing digits from 0 to 9. The dataset is already divided into training and testing sets.
Forming Matrices:
- For each digit (i), form a matrix whose columns are images of that digit (excluding the label).
- Each matrix should have exactly 784 rows (28x28 pixels) and can have either all or a fixed number (N) of columns for each digit.
Matrix Rank:
- The 10 matrices formed above are generally not of full rank. For instance, the matrix (D_5) contains images labeled 5 and spans a subspace
$$D(5) \subset \mathbb{R}^{784}$$
- The 10 matrices formed above are generally not of full rank. For instance, the matrix (D_5) contains images labeled 5 and spans a subspace
Extracting Singular Vectors:
- For each matrix (D(n)), extract the first 4 left singular vectors (principal components).
- Print 5 images for each digit: one from the training dataset and four from the left singular vectors reshaped into 28x28 images.
Classification Model:
- Develop a model that computes the minimum norm
$$(\rho_n(z) := \min ||D(n)x - z||)$$ for a test image vector (z), where (n) is a digit between 0 to 9. - Use a low-rank approximation of the factorization, specifically the first 4 columns of (U), for efficiency.
- Develop a model that computes the minimum norm
Training and Testing:
- Use between 2500-3000 images of each digit in the training set to form the matrices.
- Use the remaining images as labeled test images.
The final output includes:
- 50 images: one original image and 4 images corresponding to the left singular vectors for each digit.
- The exact expression used in the classification and justification for its use.
- The confusion matrix and efficiency results.