- Fix Issue #778: "'list' object has no attribute 'startswith'" process_tags_list().
- Update #777: add s_tag and date_d param value
- Fix Issue #772: Pixiv Sketch tz_info
- Update #768: enhance the error message
- Implement #726: file extension filter for batch job
- Merge: Disable blacklist for the download by image id option (#791) by byjtje.
- Merge: Update PixivBrowserFactory.py (#790) by amatuerCoder.
- Merge: Fixed avatar/background default file extension and background urlfilename (#789) by byjtje.
- Implement #782: add filename in the warning message.
- Merge: Removed unneccessary check from check_version and made the browser opening opt-in (#779) by byjtje.
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