- Implement #650: open default browser to release page if checkNewVersion=True in config.ini
- Merge: Add run on repl.it badge to README (#770) by cyleja1234
- Merge: Added date update for artists with no pictures (#766) by byjtje
- Merge: Switched the check from last image to last downloaded to avoid always checking when it doesn't download any images (#764) by byjtje
- Merge: Minor changes to PixivFanboxHandler, PixivUtil2, readme (#763) by amatuerCoder
- Merge: Regex Title Filtering + Date updates and a few minor changes (#759) by byjtje
- Merge: Update readme.md (#754) by amatuerCoder
- Merge: proper checkUpdatedLimit check (#753) by byjtje
- Implement #749: Pixiv Sketch support.