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@Caenorst Caenorst released this 07 Feb 20:13
· 141 commits to master since this release



In Kaolin 0.10.0 we are focusing on Volumetric rendering, adding new features for tetrahedral meshes, including DefTet volumetric renderer and losses, and Deep Marching Tetrahedrons, and adding new primitive operations for efficient volumetric rendering of Structured Point Clouds, we are also adding support for materials with USD importation.

Finally we are adding two new tutorials to show how to use the latest features from Kaolin:

  • How to use DMtet to reconstruct a mesh from point clouds generated by the Omniverse Kaolin App

  • An Introduction to Structured Point Clouds, with conversion from mesh and interactive visualization with raytracing.


Simplify kaolin.ops.spc.unbatched_query API (#442)
Added point to vertice type of distance in kaolin.metrics.trianglemesh.point_to_mesh_distance, with a little speedup (#446, #458)
Added new “thin” mode for kaolin.ops.voxelgrids.extract_surface (#448)
Adding Marching Tetrahedra (#476)
Extend SPC raytracing to output depth (#478)
Refactor SPC raytracing API (#478)
Adding Differentiable Volumetric rendering features for SPC (#485)
Adding “squared” option for Chamfer distance (#486)
Adding Deftet Volumetric Renderer (#488)
Adding Deftet losses (#496)
Adding interpolation of features for point sampling on mesh (#499)
Adding DMtet Tutorial (#492)
Adding SPC Tutorial (#500)
Adding unbatched_pointcloud_to_spc wrapper (#498)
Adding materials support for USD importers (#502)

Bug fix:

Fix small bugs on USD importer / exporter (#441, #445)
Fix trianglemesh_to_voxelgrids when sparse (#455)
Fix bug where Kaolin were not building with submodule CUB (#457)
Fix Preprocessing bug where “name” attributes contains “/” (#469)


Define a proper C++ Style Guide and fine-tune codebase accordingly (#470, #471, #472, #477)

Kaolin now featured in:


Contributors (by last name alphabetical order):

Sanja Fidler
Clement Fuji Tsang
Jun Gao
Jean-François Lafleche
Michael Li
Charles Loop
Or Perel
Frank Shen
Masha Shugrina
Gavriel State
Towaki Takikawa
Jiehan Wang
Alexander Zook
(github) Talmaj
(github) le-Greg