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About LatticeGrid

The NUCATS Biomedical Informatics Center (NUBIC) has been developing a knowledge management system that helps link researchers from disparate disciplines using an electronic connector. The system is known as LatticeGrid.

LatticeGrid is a modular, flexible approach to assessing collaboration patterns using institutional and public data such as PubMed, ClickCommerce eIRB, and pre-award and post-award systems. LatticeGrid takes data from a variety of sources, integrates it around organizational constructs such as centers and departments and build models of collaboration patterns. Importantly, LatticeGrid provides flexible mechanisms for acquiring and processing these data and interoperating with other tools such as the Harvard Profiles system. The ability of LatticeGrid to define collaboration teams "on the fly" is a unique feature not found in other collaboration tools. Another unique contribution of LatticeGrid is that it provides multiple ways to represent physical and virtual relationships between investigators and map those organizations onto collaboration patterns between investigators. This makes LatticeGrid an ideal companion to existing social networking and knowledge management platforms.

LatticeGrid models enable evidence-based decisions about how best to manage and direct organizational change to maximize the effectiveness of translational science initiatives. LatticeGrid is designed to enable biomedical research organizations to monitor and measure more effectively collaboration and funding patterns and assess the effect of organizational and policy change on these patterns. Understanding how shifts in institutional structure and policy affect translational science patterns of collaboration and funding is of fundamental importance to biomedical research community. This knowledge provides a mechanism to evaluate the “return on investment†in team science efforts.

The core of LatticeGrid can be viewed on the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University website at and at the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine website at The UCSF website is at The Fox Chase website is at In addition to these sites, Stanford, the University of Michigan and the Cancer Institute of New Jersey use LatticeGrid to manage publications and analyze collaborations among their investigators.

For the purposes of this supplement, we are proposing a focused, two year expansion of the existing system to incorporate award data, simplify faculty management, provide time-based network visualization, tools for visualizing ad hoc aggregations of faculty, and enable visual overlays of various types of organizational structures in place at an institution. The system is and will continue to be open source to allow sharing with other CTSA institutions.

LatticeGrid is designed to:

​1. Identify the network of collaborations that currently exist in a biomedical research organization.

​2. Highlight the expertise and existing collaboration patterns for an individual in that organization.

​3. Analyze changes in the pattern of collaboration for a given individual, virtual organizational unit, academic unit, or other organizational structure over time.

​4. Facilitate the application of this information to the promotion and support of intra- and inter- institutional collaboration.

Obtaining LatticeGrid

LatticeGrid tracker site

Installing and Configuring LatticeGrid

LatticeGrid copyright

  • LatticeGrid is the work primarily of Warren Kibbe and is copyright Northwestern University 2007-2011.


Karen Tran, Stanford

David Steffen, Baylor College of Medicine

Sorena Nadaf, UCSF

Paul Novembre, CINJ

Sindy Law, UCSF

Regina Schwind, UIC

Marilyn Larson, U Wisc

Bryan Davis, U Wisc

Melinda Baker, U Wisc

Stephine Wasielewski, U Wisc

Frank Manion, U Wisc

Warren Kibbe, Northwestern

Unable to attend:

Buki Ogunseitan, U of Chicago

Bob Lanese, Case

LatticeGrid contact